

Добро пожаловать на WarriorNotes, современное святилище русской военной музыки, где традиции встречаются с творчеством. Наш канал посвящен переосмыслению и возрождению исторических мелодий, донося до зрителя отголоски ушедшей эпохи через призму современности. Здесь вы найдете впечатляющую коллекцию кавер-версий культовых песен, которые находили отклик на полях сражений и в сердцах солдат. Каждая песня переосмыслена с уважением к оригиналу, но с новой стороны, обогащена современными элементами, которые делают ее доступной для сегодняшней аудитории. Подписывайтесь на канал, чтобы отправиться в это уникальное музыкальное путешествие вместе с нами, и не забудьте включить колокольчик, чтобы быть в курсе наших последних творений. Спасибо за поддержку, и мы с нетерпением ждем возможности поделиться с вами красотой и силой русской военной музыки!

Fuel For Thought


"Welcome to Fuel for Thought – a channel dedicated to igniting the flames of inspiration and fostering a reservoir of profound ideas. Here, we believe that every thought has the potential to be a catalyst for change and growth. Our mission is to provide you with a constant stream of thought-provoking content that sparks your curiosity, challenges your perspectives, and propels you towards your fullest potential. Join us on a journey of intellectual exploration as we delve into a wide range of subjects, from philosophy and science to art and personal development. Our videos are carefully crafted to stimulate your mind, encouraging you to question, ponder, and engage in meaningful conversations with fellow seekers of wisdom. Whether you're seeking motivation to conquer your goals, seeking clarity on complex concepts, or simply yearning for a mental adventure, Fuel for Thought is here to nourish your intellect and inspire your soul. Subscribe now and embark on a quest for knowledge, enlightenment, and the power of thought."

Strength For Today Ministries


The Evangelism Ministry Of The Lyndon Longoria Family Est.1998-2022 -/- 24 Years of Unwavering Commitment To God's Kingdom Work! This Family's Ministry Personnel Consists of... -Bro. Lyndon: Founder Of Strength For Today Min., Evangelist, 3 Times Elected President of the Louisiana Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists. -Mrs. Kerry: Southern Gospel Singer, Homeschool Teacher, Wife & Mother Of 5. -Asa: Son Of Bro. Lyndon & Mrs. Kerry, Founder of "GOD SPEAKS", "Prayer Watch 24/7", and "Operation Nation Salvation", Preacher, Singer, YouTube Account Manager. *Be sure to watch "GOD SPEAKS"! *Look to see testimonial videos during the revivals we do. *Keep up with our ministry by watching the playlist called "Overview of S.F.T.M." *Watch our "PREACHING" videos & hear some GOOD PREACHING! *Prepare to be blessed when you listen to Mrs. Kerry sing! Content Comes Out Weekly, So Be Sure To Stay Connected! PLEASE SUBSCIBE AND BE BLESSED!!!

Frăția Ortodoxă „Sfântul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe, Purtătorul de Biruință”


Frăția Ortodoxă „Sfântul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe, Purtătorul de Biruință”, este o organizație creștină în care se adună români care au ca valori principale dragostea de Dumnezeu, Neam și Țară. Ea a luat ființă cu binecuvântarea și botezul Sfântului Părinte Arhimandrit Justin Pârvu. Misiunea acestei organizații este de a dezvolta în sufletele românilor, dorința de a se îmbunătăți permanent, de a fi mândri de neamul din care fac parte și de a renunța la mentalitatea actuală a societății în care se promovează „descurcăreala”, minciuna, furtul, mișelia și trândăvia.

Film Sport Trailer


"In a world where dreams collide with determination, witness the journey of a team fueled by passion, grit, and the relentless pursuit of victory. From the ashes of defeat rises a story of triumph, unity, and the indomitable spirit of sportsmanship. Get ready to experience the adrenaline-pumping highs and heart-wrenching lows as these athletes defy the odds and push themselves beyond their limits. This is more than a game; it's a test of character, a battle for glory. Are you ready to witness greatness?"