nature sounds meditation - ocean sounds and forest nature sound: meditation, sleep


nature sounds meditation - relaxing nature sounds for sleeping - natural calm forest waterfall music meditation sound for study. hear the relaxing sounds of nature and enjoy the absence of urban noise. all we have to do is simply listen to these healing sounds of nature regularly. natures relaxing sounds can heal many disorders and illnesses particularly those imposed by the stress of modern societies. relaxation and meditation are very important to ones wellbeing. listening to these nature sounds of a relaxing waterfall and forest birds singing will bring you a soothing relaxation or meditation. nature sounds for relaxing... surrounded by enchanting nature sounds that you have grown to love so much and fire crackling keeping animals away from your lovely little shelter you get out of the chair on your wooden balcony and yawn as you fold up the rope ladder to make sure nothing and noone can follow you up there you untie the mosquito net and let it fall softly to the floor covering your home and keeping you safe from bug bites you light the lantern and pull out your favorite book allowing your eyes to rest and as you feel them getting heavier you drift into the sweetest night sleep with wonderful dreams.

Nature of Nature


Nature is a captivating tapestry of breathtaking beauty, an intricate masterpiece that stirs the senses and evokes a profound sense of awe. It is a symphony of colors, textures, sounds, and scents, meticulously woven together to create an enchanting spectacle that rejuvenates the soul. One of nature's most wondrous elements is its vibrant palette of colors. From the verdant hues of emerald meadows to the fiery oranges and reds of autumn foliage, each season paints the world with its unique brush strokes. The cerulean expanse of the sky stretches infinitely above, adorned with fluffy cumulus clouds that drift lazily in the breeze. Flowers of all shades and varieties bloom, dotting the landscape with a kaleidoscope of colors, filling the air with their delicate fragrance. The allure of nature lies not only in its visual splendor but also in its diverse textures. The rough bark of ancient trees tells tales of resilience and endurance, while delicate petals of a rose petal soft beneath one's fingertips. The softness of moss underfoot, the smoothness of a pebble polished by a flowing stream, and the cool touch of a mountain breeze on the skin all contribute to the sensory symphony that nature orchestrates. The melodies of nature are a soothing balm for the weary soul. The gentle rustling of leaves in a forest, the soothing murmur of a babbling brook, and the melodic chorus of birdsong create an orchestra that resonates with tranquility. The rhythmic crash of ocean waves against a sandy shore carries a sense of both power and serenity. Nature's symphony reminds us of our place in the world and connects us to something greater than ourselves. As the sun rises and sets, nature offers breathtaking vistas that leave us humbled and inspired. The fiery glow of a sunrise paints the horizon in hues of gold and pink, awakening the world with a promise of new beginnings. The twilight hours, with their soft hues of purple and blue, cast a magical spell over the landscape, inviting contemplation and reflection. The star-studded night sky, a canopy of twinkling diamonds, ignites a sense of wonder and reminds us of the vastness of the universe. Nature's beauty is a gift that nourishes the so

E3 Nature


Welcome to the E3 Nature Rumble channel! 🌿🌎 Exploring, Exploiting, and Enjoying Nature! Watch me shoot photos and videos of my experience with nature. In the future I will be doing short montage video of animals, vlog about my self-efficient garden, and a lot of time-lapse video of the sky. Why Follow? Escape: When life gets overwhelming, let my videos transport you to serene natural settings. Educate: Discover fascinating facts about gardening, the world’s ecosystems and the incredible adaptations of its inhabitants. Connect: Become part of a community of nature enthusiasts. Share your own experiences and insights! So hit that Follow button, grab your hiking boots, and let’s explore the wild side together! 🌲📸

Serene soundscapes. The symphony of nature 🌱


Immerse yourself in the gentle murmur of a babbling stream and the cheerful melodies of birdsong. This tranquil soundscape offers a sanctuary for your mind and body, reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting deep relaxation. The flowing water and bird calls create a serene atmosphere that fosters inner peace and harmony. These natural sounds can help you unwind after a long day, improve sleep quality, and enhance focus during work or study. Bird song, in particular, has therapeutic qualities, easing anxiety and promoting mental well-being. Whether you're seeking a moment of tranquility, or a peaceful backdrop for meditation, this soundscape is the perfect companion. Dedicate a few minutes each day to connect with nature's symphony. You'll find yourself rejuvenated, more balanced, and experiencing improved physical and mental health. Enjoy these calming sounds whenever you need a respite.

Nature Of Morocco


Le Maroc et ses richesses. Avec son charme oriental et ses site dignes des mille et une nuits, la nature et paysages du Maroc émerveillent au premier regard. La Nature au Maroc est l’une des causes de cet enchantement: entre les palmiers, les oasis, les montagnes ou encore le désert du Sahara, visiter le Maroc c’est découvrir un patrimoine naturel très riche. Mais tout d’abord, penchons nous sur les incontournables du Maroc. Bien que Casablanca soit la ville la plus peuplée, la capitale du Maroc est Rabat, et on y trouve une foule de choses à visiter. Par exemple, la tour Hassan, qui est le monument le plus célèbre de Rabat et un chef-d’oeuvre de l’art marocain traditionnel. La ville de Fès est elle aussi importante car considérée comme la capitale culturelle du pays. La vieille ville, appelée la Médina de Fès, est un véritable labyrinthe parsemé de souks et de restaurants traditionnels. On peut passer des heures à en découvrir les moindres recoins et s’amuser à se perdre dans ce dédale. Enfin, les villes de Marrakech et Casablanca sont emblématiques du Maroc. A Marrakech, on navigue entre les souks et les mosquées, avec notamment le minaret de la Koutoubia, symbole de la ville. Non loin de là, on trouve la place Jemaa el-Fna, célèbre pour être la place la plus fréquentée et la plus animée de Marrakech. A Casablanca, les bâtiments blancs et bleus sont typiques de la ville, avec notamment la mosquée Hassan-II qui se dresse sur le port. Mais au-delà de la ville, c’est la nature et paysages du Maroc qui font le charme du pays. Les plages, par exemple, font le bonheur des touristes et des locaux. Pour les amateurs de surf, la plage de Taghazout est l’eldorado des surfeurs débutants ou confirmés. Pour ceux désirant simplement admirer un beau panorama, la plage d’Essaouira, qui s’étend sur six kilomètres, a été désignée comme l’une des meilleures plages du Maroc. Et enfin, pour les adorateurs de nature sauvage, la plage de l’île du dragon à Dakhla est parfaite avec ses bancs de sable blanc et son eau claire. Tous les touristes trouveront leur bonheur, car le Maroc regorge de gemmes à l’eau transparente et au sable fin. Mais la nature et paysages du Maroc, c’est aussi les oasis, ces zones de végétations aux allures de mirage situées en plein désert. Parmi les plus célèbres et les plus belles, on trouve l’oasis de Tinghir, qui s’étend sur plus de trente kilomètres. Le vert émeraude de la végétation y contraste avec les couleurs terreuses du désert, ce qui en fait un endroit parfait pour prendre des photos hors du commun et emblématiques des paysages du Maroc. Le pays regorge également de parcs nationaux, par exemple le parc national du Haut Atlas qui s’étend sur 49 000 hectares. Les paysages y sont très variés et typiques du Maroc car la zone couverte par le parc s’étend du nord, au climat plus humide et propice à l’abondance de végétaux, au sud, où la sécheresse est plus présente. Concernant les montagnes, elles sont nombreuses car elles occupent plus de deux tiers du territoire marocain. L’une d’entre elles, le Djebel Moussa, offre un panorama magnifique sur le détroit de Gibraltar, et culmine à plus de 850 mètres. Tous les randonneurs apprécient ainsi le Maroc, qui regorge de montagnes à gravir ainsi que de vues à couper le souffle. Que l’on aime l’architecture, la photographie, la randonnée ou encore le surf, le Maroc est un pays enchanteur qui ravira tous les visiteurs.

Youzi With Nature&Creature World


Nature is the integral part of Human Civilization from the beginning. From the old ages, Human had good interaction with Nature\'s and their lifestyle and living was totally based on Nature. Nowadays, Human forgot the nature & creature and their busy lifestyle affect their health’s physically and Mentally. Research Said: 1. Stay closing to nature can improves your physical Health’s like Hypertension, chronic pain etc. 2. Making connection with nature environment can improve your memory power and sharp your brain. 3. Living with Nature can reduce your stress and Relax your body. 4. Viewing natural scenes can recover your body fastly from bad health’s. YOUZI has natures, animals’ birds, meditation, wildlife videos, natural scenery, Stress Relaxing Video etc. that can help you to get relax and having peaceful life. For more videos and Updates Please Don\'t Forget to Subscribe Our YouTube Channel #YOUZI Thanks, Youzi with Nature&Creature World