Cama Mesa e Banho

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Desde Dezembro 2019 , a Wash Toalhas atua no mercado de cama, mesa e banho, oferecendo em suas lojas não só grandes marcas, como produtos de fabricação própria. Temos como diretriz a inovação, qualidade no atendimento, sempre buscando a satisfação dos nossos clientes, aliados com produtos de qualidade e ótimos preços. Hoje contamos com a Loja Física e a loja online. Atuando com seriedade, comprometimento e uma ótima parceria com grandes fabricantes e fornecedores.

KidsTv - NurseryRhymesAndBabySongs

1 Follower

Welcome to Kids TV, where the warmth of childhood meets the joy of learning through fun nursery rhymes and toddler songs! Our engaging 3D animation videos are designed to both educate and entertain your little ones. Dive into a world of fun and learning with popular favorites like "Baby Shark," "Johny Johny Yes Papa," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "Wheels on the Bus," "ABC Song," "Colors Song," and many more! Join the sing-along and dance-along adventure today! Kids TV brings you a world of fun with popular cartoons like Bob the Train, Baby Toot Toot, Super Supremes, Junior Squad, Loco Nuts, Zoobees, Dinobees, Booya, and the adorable Little Eddie. Enjoy these cartoons in different languages from around the globe!

Umme Sarim

1 Follower

Don't you know how to read Qur'an or you can't read in Arabic accent? Are you tired of learning too much difficult Tajweed rules? Are you getting confused of different tajweed rules? Do you want recite the Holy Qur'an like a Qari/Qariyah without any difficult and prolonged courses? and you also want to spend a life full of Sunnahs of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? Then you have selected a right choice. Umme Sarim the lady with the vision to remove the illiteracy of the Quran among Muslim masses. To present the Quran as the most interesting and relevant Book ever. At Umme Sarim Channel, we aim at making the teaching and learning of the Qur'an the easiest way possible. With all-new infallible techniques. You just have to stay connected by subscribing my channel and being regular while sending your well practiced lessons on the WhatsApp group (only for females: Link is mentioned below) as soon as you get the next lesson video. This course is designed for all Muslims to learn reciting Qur'an with its proper pronunciation (Tajweed), and it is a very basic course which any Muslim who has never recited can learn very well, and the very old age persons who have their poor accent already can also correct their accent.


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• Mesaj TV s-a născut din dorința de a pune în negoț talanții pe care Domnul ni i-a dat. \\\\\\\\n• Investind resursele pe care le avem, pasiunea, energia și timpul în crearea de conținut creștin, reusim să oferim o încurajare celor care trec prin perioade critice și să arătăm un drum celor care nu găsesc Calea. \\\\\\\\n• Astfel, prin mediul online, dorim să difuzăm conținut 100% de natură creștină. \\\\\\\\n• Prin mesajele pe care le primim, Dumnezeu ne încurajează să continuăm lucrarea pe care ne-a pus-o în inimă. \\\\\\\\nMisiunea noastră este de a transmite Mesajul Evangheliei folosindu-ne de canalele pe care le avem la dispoziție (media online - Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Website).