Political Doctrine


If you like this podcast buy me a coke, I get thirsty with so much talking. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RW6626DHB23N2 every $5 gift also gets a free digital copy of "if it's broken don't fix it" Brought to you by "If It's Broken Don't Fix It" By Mr Noriega support this channel/support a teacher by purchasing this incredible book on education https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/if-its-broken-dont-fix-it-sinhue-noriega/1116503700?ean=2940149097692 previously banned for 10 years. Midwest reviews says "should be mandatory reading for every parent, teacher and admin." Find out why it was banned. Get yours before the sensors lock it down forever. Because They don't want you to know... Freedom, Religion, your rights, your choice; talking about the most important issues now, before the end of the world

Local & National News, Politics and History


Welcome to DaRealsVision25 for more up to date content catch us on Here -----}}}Telegram https://t.me/DaRealsVision25 to catch up on the actual Facts and Breaking Stories the MSM just wont cover.\\\\n Come join Our Main Discussion Here ------}}} https://t.me.DaRealsVision25CHAT\\\\n For more Local & WW News, Politics & History. we\\\\\\\'ve set out to bring you the best and most informative coverage across the Plane. This is a very diverse platform seeking Truth an Light, as We together raise our Consciousness and Vibrations. To help build out a better Community Join Us Here ------}}} https://t.me/DaRealsVision25WARREN\n\nOTHER LINKS ---->>>> https://link.space/@DaRealsVision25

Patria Amada Brasil


"O futuro do Brasil está em nossas mãos! Não espere pela mídia, seja o porta-voz da verdade! COMPARTILHE este vídeo e faça a diferença!" ✅ Atenção: O título e a imagem utilizados neste vídeo são de caráter ilustrativo, criados para chamar atenção ao tema abordado. Todas as informações apresentadas são baseadas em dados públicos, análises e opiniões pessoais, respeitando as diretrizes da plataforma. #patriaamadabrasil #bolsonaro #lula #noticiasdobrasilhoje Quer ajudar na campanha do Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro em 2026 de forma gratuita? Então se inscreva no canal de cortes do presidente: https://www.youtube.com/@MitoBolsonaro2026 O Maior grupo de apoio do TELEGRAM ao preseidente BOLSONARO em 2026: https://t.me/jairmbolsonaro2026 Twitter X - https://x.com/Gabriel_SouzaMG Comunidade WhatsApp - https://chat.whatsapp.com/KdUnCui7eA1DWwITOgKxb6 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/souza_2002/

Political Lens


#NonPartisan Political Candidate Interviews. The Political Lens is a FREE nonpartisan Podcast to political candidates to provide platform to reach potential voters. politicallens.com Disclaimer: Political Lens Podcast Welcome to the Political Lens podcast, a platform dedicated to interviewing political candidates running for office. Our aim is to provide a space where candidates can share their values, beliefs, reasons for running, opinions, and knowledge on current events. Please note the following: Non-Partisan Nature: Political Lens is a non-partisan organization. We do not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate, political party, or policy. Our mission is to facilitate informed discussions and provide our listeners with diverse perspectives. Guest Opinions: The views and opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Political Lens, its hosts, or its affiliates. We provide a platform for open dialogue and do not influence the content shared by our guests. Accuracy and Responsibility: While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, Political Lens cannot guarantee the completeness or reliability of the content shared during the interviews. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Respectful Discourse: We promote respectful and constructive conversations. Any offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate comments made by guests or listeners will not be tolerated and may be subject to moderation or removal. Thank you for tuning into the Political Lens podcast. We appreciate your support and engagement in these important conversations.

Defense Politics Asia: Gaming Verified


This is a sub-channel of Defense Politics Asia which houses the DPA Gamings content. As the DPA community grow, the number of gamers within the community that are interested in playing or watching military/historical or strategy theme games is likely to be present. So it is only natural to build a totally new set of audience, where perhaps through games and culture - we are able to share deep insights/understanding into war, military, politics and geopolitics. Members of the community will be invited to join in community sessions or tournaments in war/diplomacy/strategy games together as well as exploring strategy/tactics, etc... via relevant games.

Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]


Church's History, Education, Culture, Social Affiliated pages: Videoteca Bisericii - https://rumble.com/c/Biserica Provocările contemporane/Contemporary Issues Romana – Siteu (RO): https://rumble.com/c/c-6375476 Engleza - Webpage: https://rumble.com/c/contemporaryissues HTRAOC - Canale Video/Domenii variate Video-Chanell [Engleza] https://rumble.com/c/HTRAOC Canal Video [Romana] https://rumble.com/c/SfantaTreime

Efect politic (Global News România)


"Efect politic": emisiune tv și online a Global News România (post tv românesc de știri, dezvăluiri și dezbateri, cu emisie tv și online și succesorul fostului post tv News România, care a fost mereu și foarte abuziv cenzurat, amendat și apoi închis de C.N.A. în 2.08.2022): https://www.NewsRomania.live Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Efect politic" (de la Global News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/EfectPoliticGlobalNewsRomania Ediții ale celorlalte emisiuni tv și online de la Global News România și de la fostul post tv News România, în secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "News România" din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/user/NewsRomania Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Știri" și "Știrea exactă" (de la Global News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/StiriGlobalNewsRomania Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Starea de veghe" (de la Global News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/StareaDeVegheGlobalNewsRomania Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "La ordinea zilei" (de la News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1601693 Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "România unită" (de la News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1440793 Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Avocatul tău" (de la News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1573013 Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Starea de constituționalitate" (de la News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1573033 Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Insomnia" (de la News România), în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1482893 Site-ul postului tv Global News România: https://www.GlobalNewsRomania.ro SCOPUL NOSTRU ESTE SĂ FIM O TELEVIZIUNE LIBERĂ, INDEPENDENTĂ, OBIECTIVĂ, CARE SĂ PROMOVEZE ADEVĂRUL, MORALITATEA, VALORILE NAȚIONALE ȘI INTERESUL ECONOMIC AL ROMÂNIEI, SĂ FIE CÂINELE DE PAZĂ AL DEMOCRAȚIEI.