Humor, Funny, and jokes


Humor, funny, and jokes are all ways to bring joy and laughter into our lives. Humor is a form of entertainment that often involves irony, satire, or other techniques to make us laugh. It can be found in many forms, such as stand-up comedy, TV shows, movies, and books. Funny is a quality that something possesses that makes us laugh or feel amused. It can refer to a joke, a situation, or a person. Jokes are a specific type of humor that involves a setup and a punchline. They can be short or long, simple or complex, and can range from silly to clever. Jokes have been a part of human culture for centuries, and they continue to be a way for us to connect with each other through shared laughter. Overall, humor, funny, and jokes bring lightness and joy to our lives, and they remind us not to take ourselves too seriously.



I LOVE YOU. GOD, ALLAH AND JESUS CHRIST. Welcome To The Official Human Lives29 Rumble Channel. Send Cash to Support Me; Use WorldRemit To Mobile Money Account OR Bank Account. Residential Address; Kampala Street. Telephone Number; +256 771 265130. Country; Uganda. Country Currency symbol; UGX. Mobile Network Operator; MTN. First Name; HERBERT. Second Name; NDORA Other Name; OYO. Bank Information: Bank: Equity Bank Uganda Account Number (A/C No): 1002102810541 Account Name: HERBERT NDORA OYO. SWIFT CODE: EQBLUGKA OTHER Methods: Mobile Wallet: +256 771 265130 / +256 758 994930. Both In Names Of HERBERT NDORA OYO. PayPal Address: Cash App $CashTag: $HumanLives29

Tv 2000 - Humor Shqip


Tv 2000 i ka fillimet e saj ne fundvitin 1999 me themelues z. Haxhi Jusufi. Duke qene se themeluesi jone ka qene gjithmone i perfshire ne humor dhe satirike ku perfshihet dhe gazeta e pare e pavarur humoristike "Kunji" edhe ne morem te njejten rrjedhe. Me nje histori prej me shume se 20 vitesh humori popullor dhe ai modern i pershtatur per humor popullor vazhdojme te jemi prane shikuesve tane nepermjet ketij kanali ne Youtube. Ky eshte kanali i vetem i cili ka te drejtat te transmetoje humoret dhe skecet tona. Ju lutem nese e merni kete informacion dhe shikoni qe dikush po na "sulmon" duke transmetuar humoret tona pa te drejte na kontaktoni ne Ju faleminderit.

Guide for Astrology, Health & Human Design


Aloha! Here be videos that I have created when feeling inspired by my work and passion: living life and learning the grand music of the luminary bodies that we call astrology and, more recently, Human Design and the Gene Keys. I also enjoy sharing various points of view and exploring different perspectives to more thoroughly explore life and all its facets. For more information, or if you would like to book a session, please feel free to reach out to me, Chloe, directly at or at Consultations are $145 for 60+ minutes. More information can be found at my website: Donations are always welcome and help to fund the production of free content: Paypal: Venmo & Cash App: @TheChloeBear