Flow with Mira


My Pilates-based programs and classes will teach you how to reset your mind and begin a deeper connection to your body through movement. If you want to build balance, core strength, flexibility, and find freedom within your body – you've come to the right place. Join me now and take steps towards feeling our absolute best through balancing your body and mind. Trust yourself, listen to your body, and find what moves you. Keep moving and good things will happen, Mira xxx

Flipped Kingdom


I'm just a big ol' introvert and non-risk taker. That will blow the theory that this is only for gifted extroverts. I've been doing street evangelism since mid-2019 and just like any skill, this took a lot of practice and conversation with Holy Spirit after encounters. With each encounter, I learned in layers. My greatest reward is in hearing that my Father, the King of the universe, calls me a son. Therefore, I'm a prince who has been given the beautiful privilege of carrying His love, power and authority as I walk this earth. The 2nd most beautiful truth? As I fully embrace His affection for me, I get to give it away. If you are reading this, your Father in heaven looks at you with deep affection and calls you a beloved royal heir. And you have the privilege of walking in your royalty as you walk this earth! I have learned by watching many doing this: Todd White, the Last Reformation folks, Pete Cabrera, etc. and as I have learned from them, my hope is that you can glean anything that Holy Spirit wants you to take and use it to minister to folks on the streets as well.