0 Followersfallenangel92fvl
0 Followersfallen8
0 FollowersFallenapple69
0 Followersfallenangel16jasper
0 FollowersFallenAvacyn
0 Followersfallenangel22
0 FollowersBrian_is_unfallen
0 FollowersXfallenforeverx
0 FollowersFallen2137
0 FollowersFallenSeeD
0 FollowersFarfalle10
0 Followersfallenangelo12
0 Followers17krestfallen
0 Followerscrestfallen1
0 FollowersGeoffAllen
0 FollowersFallenKnight01
0 FollowersFallenAngel03
0 FollowersFallettaKelly
0 FollowersMausefalle23
0 FollowersGeneral UK stuff and life sh*t
0 FollowersThis channel is really to host general living in the UK experiences and highlight some of the not so great issues with a totalitarian state, but balance them a little with what makes it bearable.