You Heard What I Said Podcast


Welcome to You Heard What I Said Podcast where two siblings discuss real raw conversations about life, love, relationships, and the lessons we’ve learned. If you feel like something is lacking in your relationship, tune in as we discuss what we need from relationships and our expectations or lack thereof. We bring laughter, light and fun to every episode. Just two siblings sharing our experiences and hoping we bring joy and enlightenment to every viewer. ___________________________________________________________________ Follow Kion on Instagram: Follow Precious on Instagram:

Canal do Lesk - Virais & Memes


**INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL** ► CANAL DO LESK Da uma força aí, se inscreve no canal o quanto antes e receba as novidades. Vídeos novos todos os dias para você se divertir bastante. Seja bem-vindo ao CANAL DO LESK, o melhor canal com vídeos curtos e engraçados para alegrar o seu dia a dia. Aqui e só alegria não tem tempo ruim e só vídeo divertido e viral..... MUITOS MEMES, VIRAIS, ENGRAÇADOS, TUDOOO. CONTATOS PARA PARCERIAS: Email: WhatsApp: (38) 99191-5395 Peço por favor para deixar o seu LIKE e se INSCREVER no canal para receber as novidades. Deixo aqui o meu muito obrigado e seja muito bem-vindo.. #shorts #meme #viral

Trading Coach Oli


Hier bekommst du nicht nur wöchentliche Updates zu News und Weltwirtschaft, sondern lernst auch alles über Börse und wie du professioneller Trader wirst! Über Oliver Klemm: Oliver Klemm, besser bekannt als TRADING COACH OLI ist Trader mit Herz und Leidenschaft, und dies bereits seit 1982, also nunmehr 40 Jahre. In diesen vier Jahrzehnten hat er alle Höhen und Tiefen der Börsen erfolgreich überstanden. Während seines Traderlebens hat er bisher fast alles gehandelt, was an den Börsen handelbar ist: Futures, Optionen, Aktien, Renten, Währungen (Forex/Futures), Optionsscheine, Warenfutures. Seit 2014 ist er ebenfalls Trading Coach. Seine Ausbildung durften bereits über 600 Absolventen erfolgreich durchlaufen.

Founder's Bible Readings


For what it's worth. I've decided to read The Founders Bible, out loud, on Rumble. 2200+ pages. I'm at LEAST going to try to do a page a day. I've never read the bible. I am no good at reading. I definitely ain't good at public speaking... Seemed like a nice little project and it also provides accountability for myself. I am a heathen. I cuss. I say goofy shit. I am not politically correct but I don't believe I am vulgar (and if i am, i really don't care). This is for Me. If you'd like to join along with me, you are more than welcome too. Probably going to take me awhile. Thanks. I've also started adding them to youtube (because they have a better playlist feature, that's it, let's get on the ball Rumble)



Seja bem-vindo ao CANAL É TRETA!!! NOTÍCIAS DO FLAMENGO , Aqui falamos das principais Notícias do Flamengo. Saiba tudo que está acontecendo no Mercado da bola, contratação de jogadores, empréstimo de jogadores, últimas notícias do Flamengo, Flamengo hoje, Novidades no Flamengo, Troca de técnico, Protesto da torcida, CONMEMBOL Libertadores, Campeonato Brasileiro, Copa do Brasil, Nação rubro negra, notícias do flamengo hoje, flamengo notícias, flamengo agora, notícias do flamengo agora, flamengo no mercado da bola, mercado da bola flamengo, mengão, mengo, fla flamengo ao vivo, noticias do flamengo ao vivo. Então não perca tempo, faça parte da FAMÍLIA É TRETA!!! NOTÍCIAS DO FLAMENGO. Inscreva-se, e ATIVE o Sininho, para não perder nenhuma notícia importante do nosso Mengão. O Clube de Regatas do Flamengo (mais conhecido simplesmente como Flamengo, e popularmente pelos apelidos de Mengo, Mengão e Fla) é uma agremiação poliesportiva brasileira com sede na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Day Trading The Chart


I started Day Trading The Chart website because I want to show the public how easy trading can be if you get back to basics and just trade the chart using my system I developed. The system I’ve developed is a very unique system that relatively few people within the industry know about. That’s why I’ve created this website because I want to give people the opportunity to see for themselves just how powerful and accurate my system is by watching me trade everyday on YouTube. Also I want people to have the opportunity to purchase my system and learn it so that they themselves can trade the markets and be very successful in doing so. I have been using my own system of Day Trading The Chart for the last 12 years, so I know first hand just how good it is. There is a lot of bad information on the Internet with respect to learning how to trade so I feel my video courses are extremely valuable to any trader in the world, whether beginner or advanced, and I’m selling them for only $500 per course. Just one of my courses will teach you ten times what other websites are teaching for ten times the price and even 20 times the price. I don’t think this is right and I think there is a better way. Each of my courses will teach you how to be successful on your own, without the need for help from anybody else. In fact if you do trade in a room you’ll all of a sudden be far better at trading then they are using my system. You’ll see them making huge mistakes by staying long when they should be going short, or vice a versa stay short when they should be going long. You’ll see them hold these losing trades for big money but then not talk about it. My system “Day Trading The Chart” will change all of that, when you lose you will lose small, never taking large losses. And you’ll have a very high mathematical percentage of success in your trades. This is what I show on my Day Trading The Chart YouTube Channel, and this is what I’ll teach you within my trading courses. I have been trading for 20 years now and certainly consider myself a veteran trader, but I don’t want to make this website about me (Trader X), I want to make this website about my system, which is simple, easy to learn, yet extremely effective and powerful with respect to trading the financial markets. On behalf of this website and me (Trader X) I wish you all the trading success you can achieve.