The Road Of Faith Seminar * Ken Fletcher Ministries


We warmly welcome you to The Road Of Faith Seminar; a video outreach of Ken Fletcher Ministries. This Channel is dedicated to reach people who are seekiing truth, light, and real faith based answers to problems. No matter what you may have been told, Jesus, The Anointed One, is alive. He is still doing the same things He has always done. We are commisioned to expose the deception of this present world and boldly publish the reality of Jesus, and what He has accomplished for us all. It is our prayer that you will awaken to the realization of what is really happening here on earth, and your part in it. How hungry are you for the REAL TRUTH? This channel is a journey. Stay tuned. Good things are here. Good things are coming. If you want to go along with us on this journey of reality: Unbelievers begin on, The Most Important Question Part 1 or Part 2. Believers begin on How Long? Part 1. Thank you. Blessings KFM

This channel is about learing a English Language course PTE Academic


Asalam o Alekum everyone! Learn PTE Academic, is a free platform for all those who want to get good score in PTE. Learn PTE Academic presents all PTE academic work with practical & step by step Method. The motive of Learn PTE Academic, is to encourage people to learn english language so that they can study abroad and make their lives better. Let's make our country strong with the help of each other. Let's grow together. Always remember, "GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES & also HELP OTHERS". Contact for paid courses, sponsorships and integrations here: ✍️ Thank you for your subscription and visiting here. Love from Learn PTE Academic.❤️️