Deux Québécois un peu partout


Bienvenue sur la chaine Deux Québécois un peu partout ! Ici, nous partageons conseils et avis sur différentes destinations touristiques connues et moins connues d'Amérique du Nord. Certaines de nos critiques sincères auront davantage une connotation négative, et c'est pourquoi nous désirons tirer au clair notre philosophie à ce sujet. Pour nous, il ne s’agit pas de cracher sur tout, n’importe quoi ou n’importe qui. Ni, à l’inverse, de faire comme plusieurs YouTubers et devenir les chearleaders, lèche-bottes ou pancartes publicitaires des endroits que nous visitons. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour rester objectif en donnant du crédit lorsque c’est mérité et en pointant du doigt ce qui, selon nous, ne fonctionne pas ou laisse place à l’amélioration de façon à ce que vous puissiez réellement savoir ce qui en est selon l’expérience vécue de deux Québécois. "Nous ne vendons pas du rêve, mais la réalité." D’où le titre de nos épisodes, "critique SINCÈRE" !

Volksdeutsche: Survivors Of Impossible Circumstance


AUSTRALIAN STORY: My father was a veteran of the second world war. He fought in the battle for Berlin and survived the terror of the Halbe Pocket. Taken prisoner by the Russians, tortured, starved and released, he escaped the iron curtain and made his way to Australia with an assumed name and under contract as a Displaced Person. The 'war' that he endured was an eternal search for a belonging, for an identity, for a soul, for those were the things that he had lost, and those were the things that he WOULD fight for. In founding a new family, the death of my mother dealt a grave blow. Burdened with a newborn, a one and two year old, he was resolute in reclaiming his existence as a person of worth on this earth. He died in January 2017, a tortured soul, a forgotten soldier. In life he had been displaced but found a new life, a new identity, and a new home in Australia. In death his soul remains displaced, for no government will afford him his redemption through a recognition of his right to legitimacy. Ransomed into service for the Waffen SS, a Nazi, he forfeited his soul in exchange for the lives of his Volksdeutsch family. My father was born in Poland, fought for Germany and belongs in Australia. He will forever remain in my heart, a champion of sacrifice, a testament to the fabric of the human spirit, and yet an enigma to those who are unable to understand.