Your source for daily UFC and MMA news 👊


Welcome you all to visit our channel UFCMMAnews This channel is focused on UFC and MMA. We want to make more and more friends all around the world and sharing positive knowledge to you all. For that, we highly appreciate your visits very much. If you like our team works, please not forget to give us even a like, comment, subscribe and the most important is pushing the ring beside to support us. Again, thanks and wish all the best for u all. Bienvenue à tous sur notre chaîne UFCMMAnews Cette chaîne est centrée sur l'UFC et le MMA. Nous voulons nous faire de plus en plus d'amis dans le monde entier et partager des connaissances positives avec vous tous. Pour cela, nous apprécions beaucoup vos visites. Si vous aimez le travail de notre équipe, n'oubliez pas de nous donner un like, un commentaire, un abonnement et le plus important est de pousser le ring à côté pour nous soutenir. Encore une fois, nous vous remercions et vous souhaitons le meilleur pour vous tous.

The Game & Drink Connoisseurs Podcast


The Game & Drink Connoisseurs is a husband and wife lead, 21+ gaming and beverage podcast and (occasional) video series from Jerk Cat Entertainment. Join hosts Bryce & Jessica as they feature a wide variety of amazing tabletop games and delicious brewed beverages from around the world. These two activities have always served as a great way to spend time with friends and loved ones in a small and intimate setting. The Game & Drink Connoisseurs combine the two to bring you lots of warm and inviting atmospheres, along with colorful fun and deliciousness. So be sure to tune in and join us at the table for what is sure to be a great time!