Web3 l NFT l Metaverse l Biggest Cryptocurrency Awareness Channel for Urdu-speaking crowd around the world


Waqar Zaka is the leading voice in the crypto space since 2015, having over 4.7 Million crypto followers, he has been invited at the leading Blockchain conferences around the world as a speaker because of his crypto social media marketing skills & charity work in the warzone areas, teaching refugees how they can use crypto to earn profits without middlemen & especially for creating content that attracts a massive audience towards the crypto space. Famous for getting Crypto unbanned in Pakistan by fighting a Court case without a lawyer as in Pakistan no one had any idea about crypto at that time, launching hydro-power based Crypto mining farms in Northern areas of Pakistan, launched a proof of stake.

Freedom in the Cross Ministries


Freedom in the Cross Ministries is a Bible teaching ministry dedicated to teaching believers how to walk in freedom from sin through faith in the finished work of the cross. If you are struggling with addiction or sin of any kind, I strongly encourage you to connect with this ministry by subscribing to this channel, following the Facebook page, and most importantly, signing up for the email list, which will allow you receive notifications regarding new content without any algorithms filtering it out. You can connect and sign up at the following links: Website | https://www.freedominthecrossministries.org Email Sign-up | https://www.freedominthecrossministries.org/subscribe-to-email Youtube Subscribe | https://www.freedominthecrossministries.org/youtube-subscribe Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/freedominthecrossministries.org iTunes | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/freedom-in-the-cross-podcast/id1475353492 Spreaker | https://www.spreaker.com/show/ficpodcast

Ragna Crimson (2023) ✅| Español


Los dragones mantienen un reinado de terror sobre la tierra, el mar y el cielo. Para que los cazadores de dragones como Ragna tengan alguna esperanza de acabar con estas bestias aparentemente invencibles que escupen fuego, deben encontrar la forma de mejorar sus probabilidades. Ragna forma equipo con un misterioso hombre llamado Crimson, que también ha jurado enfrentarse a los dragones que amenazan el mundo. Pero aunque las motivaciones de Crimson sean misteriosas, su objetivo y el de Ragna coinciden a la perfección, y juntos lucharán para derrotar a los dragones de una vez por todas.



Hello! My Dear Friends......... "Welcome to our channel! We're here to provide you with daily doses of inspiration, motivation and positive attitude. Our goal is to help you achieve your dreams and improve your life by providing powerful and uplifting quotes. Our videos are designed for, whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or simply someone looking for a little extra motivation. So, Let's make it happen together! I AM NEW HERE SO PLEASE 🙏 keep watching keep supporting ❤️ Disclaimer:- This channel doesn't promote encourage any illegal activities, all content provided by this channel is meant for Motivational and inspirational status only. any issues about video or music please don't give strike contact us via email :- for businesses queries or any other - welcmdr@gmail.com *FAIR USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER* copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, "fair use " only for entertainment not for profit.