Conservative Grace
21 FollowersCommentary on faith, politics, and conservatism.
Commentary on faith, politics, and conservatism.
《阳谋论》系列节目,是由明轩工作室推出的一档专门讨论世界背后的隐藏力量-神秘家族(也称为"沼泽地")节目。 它将用公开、可查证的信息,带你认识控制世界的沼泽地家族 - 如罗斯柴尔德家族、摩根家族、洛克菲勒家族、科赫家族、玛氏家族等 - 提升认知,以更高的视角来了解世界游戏的真正规则。 以下是往期盖特直播的原始链接: 第1期 红色药丸与蓝色药丸 第2期 世界经济论坛与大重启 第3期 世界经济论坛与全球青年领袖社区 第4期 世界经济论坛与Cyber Polygon 第5期 当今美国之乱象及其幕后黑手 第6期 索罗斯和他的财富帝国 第7期 索罗斯与当今美国之乱象 第8期 比尔∙盖茨资助的公共卫生网络 第9期 比尔∙盖茨的疫苗与农业计划 第10期 是谁控制了美联储? 第11期 是谁让中美建交? 第12期 洛克菲勒家族如何控制NBA和百事公司? 第13期 洛克菲勒家族的医疗体系百年布局 第14期 洛克菲勒家族与联合国、世界卫生组织和世界银行 第15期 洛克菲勒家族与新冠疫苗的国际游戏 第16期 谁是黑石真正的老板? 第17期 洛克菲勒家族与中国国家主权基金 第18期 洛克菲勒家族与外交关系学会 彼尔德伯格集团 三边委员会 第19期 美国媒体背后的家族之纽约时报与华盛顿邮报 第20期 第一季完结篇上-洛克菲勒家族与比尔盖茨 第21期 第一季完结篇下-洛克菲勒家族与索罗斯 第22期 金拱门、凯雷集团与洛克菲勒家族 第23期 9/11、凯雷集团与布什家族 第24期 洛克菲勒家族与美国媒体 第25期 默多克的媒体帝国 第26期 默多克与罗斯柴尔德 第27期 今天的罗斯柴尔德家族 第28期 罗斯柴尔德家族与石油 第29期 罗斯柴尔德家族与矿产 第30期 钴之争-是谁控制了电动车行业? 第31期 奢侈品背后的沼泽地 - LVMH 第32期 罗斯柴尔德家族与钻石、以色列 第33期 法拉利继承权之争 第34期 凤凰城、万宝路与奥利奥 第35期 凤凰城与甲骨文 第36期 科赫家族与川普 第37期 通用电气、美国制造与贸易全球化 第38期 洛克菲勒家族与苹果公司 第39期 第二季完结篇 - 沼泽地之争 第三季第1期:梵蒂冈之争-深层政府与深层教会 第三季第2期:沼泽地的台积电
Posting All Conservative Clips
A channel about UFOs, UAPs and Conspiracies, political as well as scientifical
Videos covering a wide variety of issues that conservatives care about. The objective is to correct the lies, exaggerations, and misleading innuendo being disseminated by the progressive (mainstream) media, democrat politicians, Washington establishment, and others concerning conservative beliefs. For example, conservatives are accused of hating immigrants, women, Blacks, and gays. We know how important everyone is to our nation’s socio-economic health. We also know that when laws are broken and no punishment results that even more laws will be broken, we only ask that foreign individuals go through the proper process to become immigrants and ultimately citizens. Regarding women, Blacks, gays, and any other identified group, we want them all, everyone, to experience success and happiness. The pursuit of happiness is a God-given right promised by our founding fathers. But, we differ passionately with liberals, democrats, and progressives on how these groups will achieve success. We believe the liberal/progressive mentality creates victims and therefore steals any opportunity for happiness from those who accept the mantle of victimhood. We have confidence that, if given the opportunity (not a handout), individuals in these groups can and will excel, beyond their own expectations. Walter E. Williams a distinguished economist has said that a major barrier to Black success, especially in big city urban areas, is the guilty, while liberal. Individuals who believe that Blacks cannot succeed without their help, the definition of racism. Sometimes, people need a hand up, to get back on their feet. We believe that local communities handle this best, that the United States government often exacerbates the issue, causing more problems than they are solving. Conservatives believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our nation’s laws. We believe that bad laws should be changed, but until that takes place, there is the potential for punishment even when bad laws are broken. In the future this channel will be discussing issues regarding the Trump presidency, the 2020 election, the importance of the conservative view, the treatment of conservatives by liberals and their ilk, the importance of a legal, honest, and fair elections, abortion, God, the 2nd amendment, and Black Lives Matter, etc. If you like any, or all of the videos, please tell a friend, and let me know. Thank you, Brad
God fearing, Family Man, USA Patriot. Political ramblings fresh out of the oven from a dude that\'s trying to make Jesus proud and my liberal-leaning family loves it!
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Random videos and opinions about the crazy world we live in. Gab:
Channel focused on detecting great conspiracies by collectin and presenting video material for further investigation.
I am a Constitutional Conservative trying to enlighten and be enlightened with good constructive discussion.
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News and Commentary - Biblical Worldview
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Hear from an Australian Christian Conservative Political Commentator, John Martin, who now works as the VIC State Coordinator for the Young Conservatives for Christ.
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