BD Computer Training Bengali ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে এ আপনাদের সবাইকে স্বাগতম। এই চ্যানেলে প্রফেসনাল বিভিন্ন কম্পিউটার কোর্স যেমন – ADCA , DCA , DFA , DITA , CCA , CFA , CITA এছাড়াও Web Development (HTML , CSS , Javascript) Python , V.B. (Visual Basic) , C+ , Photoshop , Tally , Internet , Microsoft Office , Computer Basic Tips & Tricks -এর ভিডিও গুলি উদাহরণের মাধ্যমে এবং সহজ ভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করা হয় । সহজ এবং সহজ ভাষায় কম্পিউটারের সঠিক এবং সম্পূর্ণ তথ্য প্রদান করাই আমাদের লক্ষ্য। আপনি যদি কম্পিউটার প্রযুক্তিতে বিশেষজ্ঞ হতে চান আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব and Followকরুন।



Computer Knowledge For all is an organization which starts Computer Training / Education For All People, School, College, University Students to Get Computer Knowledge at home to get knowledge about computer. Knowledge Courses includes for basic to High level. All courses about Computer Fundamentals, Architectures, History, Programming, Networks, Databases, Web Design and Developments, Web Engineering, System Programmings, Object Oriented Programmings, Java, C#, VB. Every Thing can find here in Computer Knowledge For all at door step. Thanks for watching this video please Share, Like and Subscribe for more videos.

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هذه القناه مخصصه لاغراض التقنيه البحته والتكنولوجيا التى يتم تطويرها بشكل مرعب وهدفى فى هذه القناه هو نشر العلم إلى الشباب الذى يرغب فى العلم فى هذه المجال ومن المجالات اللتى سوف نتناول فى الحديث عنها هى مجال الهاكر الاخلاقى والامن السيبرانى وعلوم التشفير وكل ما هو يتعلق بالتكنولوجيا الحديثه واهم التقنيات المطوره فى هذه العصر الذى نعيش فيه لنواكب هذه التطور الرهيب فى التكنولوجيا This channel is devoted to the purposes of pure technology and technology that are developed horribly and my goal in this channel is to spread knowledge to young people who wish to know in this field and one of the areas that we will address in talking about is the field of moral hacker and cybersecurity and cipher sciences and everything that is related to modern technology And the most important technologies developed in this era in which we live to keep pace with this terrible development in technology Cybersecurity Essentials - Certified ✓ Introduction to Cybersecurity- Certified ✓



Welcome to my channel where you can expect videos on Excel tips and formulas to help you in your day to day work. Videos on using the latest Excel features, formulas, advanced Excel tips, VBA and Power BI. Who am I? My name is Alan, I'm a Microsoft MVP and I have been training people how to get the most from Excel for over 20 years. I am the author of two Excel books "Advanced Excel Success" and "Advanced Excel Formulas". I love working with data and helping people improve their Excel skills and save time. I live in a town called Ipswich in the UK and I'm a father to two wonderful kids.