

At Firstpost, we focus on facts, keep the noise out and bring you stories from across the globe, viewing them through the world lens We break down stories, we explain, and we give you the context you need. The analysis is informed and engaging and most importantly, it gives you the truth, upgrades you and makes you world ready. Our stories are insightful and perceptive; they help you understand what's happening around the world. Our narratives are immersive; our opinions only provoke you to think more.

Muzzle First


At Muzzle First our goal is to make fun, information and educational videos for the firearms and outdoors enthusiast. We do product reviews, shooting videos, educational videos, how-to videos and other activities that interest me. I am a life member of the NRA and believe anyone who owns a firearm should be also. I believe in our god given rights and freedoms. I believe the Bill of Rights and The Constitution of The United States of America is the law of the land. The Bill of Rights and The Constitution of The United States is all that stands between us and tyranny. Without the Bill of Rights there is no Constitution. Without the Constitution there is no United States of America. Protect what is yours, protect what god gave, and let no man or government stand between you and your freedom! God made you free, only you can relinquish that freedom. "But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." - John Adams