AlterWorld Paranormal


Paranormal investigations. Without the bullsh*t. This channel is the place to catch up with AlterWorld Paranormal, a family-run team of paranormal investigators, amateur historians, adventurers and explorers based in Toledo, Ohio. We are not scientists and we do not pretend to be. However, we strive to be SCIENTIFIC. We hope that, one day, we can help mainstream science finally acknowledge the existence of the paranormal. After all, just because something isn't seen or fully detected by human technology does not mean it doesn't exist. And what, exactly, is the paranormal? We don't know, and we will not insult your intelligence by pretending that we have all the answers. But we will try like hell to find them.

Set Apart Disciples


Here I shine light on the ancient foundations of our faith that the church got away from, so that you can get back on that ancient path outlined in the bible. If you go to church or are a Christian but felt like something was missing, that something wasn’t right, here I will show you the biblical way. I delve into scripture, address common misconceptions, explore Christian holidays, the Torah, prophets, biblical feasts, and any other relevant teachings that impact our daily lives and our destination in eternity. The goal is to understand the whole of scripture, emphasizing discovering biblical truth over judgment. If you like my content please check out our Facebook page where we have a 50,000+ strong community to get a little more insight into what Set Apart Disciples is all about.

Harpa Cristã


Harpa Cristã é um blog que tem a missão de perpetuar e levar adiante Hinos históricos da Harpa Cristã, que fazem parte da história das comunidades Cristã, para outras gerações. A Harpa Cristã é um hinário das Comunidades Evangélicas, afim de criar uma atmosfera de adoração ao Rei dos Reis, sua primeira publicação foi em Recife em 1922 trazendo hinos contextualizado, tais como, hinos para culto público, Santa Ceia, batismo, casamento, apresentação de crianças, até mesmo funeral, entre outros.

The Paranormal Rundown


The Paranormal Rundown is a sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and sometimes astounding exploration of a wide variety of paranormal topics. From ghosts to bigfoot to aliens, we discuss it all! A random algorithm chooses the topic from a huge list we have specially created, and off we go! The hosts of the show are Vic Hermanson, the highly intelligent and creative host of the Trailer Trash Terrors podcast; JJ Johnson, an academic scholar in theological studies and host of Southern Demonology; Father Michael Birdsong, a priest and exorcist for the Charismatic Episcopal Church and author of the book Becoming a House of Prayer, and David Griffith, a long time paranormal investigator. For many shows we have a guest join us, bringing extra experiences and stories to the table. Come join us as we take a stroll through the wacky universe in which we live!