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قناة لنشر فيديوهات ذات طابع مضحك ومسلي ومنها المفيد لحياتنا اليومية ودينينا ايضا والحياة السعيدة وتجارب حب ومقالب مضحكة ارجو منكم الاشتراك ودعمنا ولكم جزيل الشكر . زيكو A channel for publishing videos of a funny and entertaining nature, including useful for our daily life, our religion as well, happy life, love experiences and funny pranks. Please subscribe and support us, and thank you very much. Zico

Visual FoxPro Nostalgia

1 Follower

If you're a fan of FoxPro and want to learn more about the programming language, you'll definitely want to check out Visual Foxpro Nostalgia channel. Our channel is all about sharing our love for FoxPro with others who are just as passionate. One thing that sets us apart is that we specialize in short videos that focus on specific topics related to FoxPro. Each video is designed to help you learn something new or improve your existing skills, without taking up too much of your time. Whether you're new to FoxPro or you've been using it for years, there's always more to learn. That's why we're committed to creating content that helps you stay up-to-date with the latest tips, tricks, and techniques for working with FoxPro. So if you're ready to take your FoxPro skills to the next level, join us on our channel today!