Hora da Magia do Caos


No dia 18 / 02 / 2018 foi iniciado um programa dominical que ocorrerá sempre às 20h. (salvo qualquer atraso). O programa “Hora da Magia do Caos” discutirá a Magia sob a ótica do perfil pragmático caótico, bem como todas as linhas que possam fazer parte desta prática. No final de cada evento disponibilizaremos o vídeo para apreciação de todos, onde poderão deixar suas perguntas sobre o último vídeo postado, anterior, perguntas as quais responderemos no programa subsequente. Sua colaboração é importante para que possamos sempre nos aprimorar. Seja bem vindo e seja bem vinda! Participe!

Dash Cam Lunatic


"Dash Cam Lunatic" is a term used to describe someone who behaves recklessly on the road while being recorded by a dashboard camera or dashcam. These individuals engage in dangerous driving practices such as speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights, and cutting off other drivers. The term "lunatic" implies that these individuals are behaving in a crazy or irrational manner, and their actions can put themselves and others at risk of accidents and injury. The use of dashcams to record these incidents has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it provides evidence of dangerous driving behavior and can help identify and prosecute individuals who break traffic laws. Overall, being a "dash cam lunatic" is not something to be proud of, as it endangers the lives of others and can result in serious legal consequences.