Hi it's my channel in this you can get a worldwide breaking news news .


Breaking news, interchangeably termed late-breaking news and also known as a special report or special coverage or news flash, is a current issue that broadcasters feel warrants the interruption of scheduled programming or current news in order to report its details. Its use is also assigned to the most significant story of the moment or a story that is being covered live in news broadcasting. It could be a story that is simply of wide interest to viewers and has little impact otherwise.[1][2] Many times, breaking news is used after the news organization has already reported on the story. When a story has not been reported on previously, the graphic and phrase "Just In" is sometimes used instead.

Tea And Talk: A Self Development Podcast For Wifehood


Tea And Talk is dedicated to helping married black women deconstruct the barriers holding her back in life and marriage, reconstruct a stronger and solid foundation for growth and development and put those things into action to step into wifehood wiser and more confidently. As a wife we can loose ourselves in the mad dash as well as not understand the proper skills necessary to be great at this wife thang. Things can become blurry when you try to separate the daily hats you wear from who you are at the core. This podcast is meant to help give you a bit of clarity and some of the skills you need and which I have learned and used over the last 9 years of marriage. I hope to help you find what you have been missing to step out in the world as a new, purposeful and authentic version of yourself while killing it as a wife!



"Nigerian worldwide news encompasses the reporting and dissemination of events, issues, and developments that transcend national boundaries and have global significance. It encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, including geopolitics, international relations, conflicts, environmental issues, health crises, economic trends, and cultural phenomena. Through a network of international news agencies, media outlets, and digital platforms, nigerian worldwide news connects people from different parts of the globe, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of global affairs. It serves to bridge cultural divides, promote cross-cultural understanding, and highlight the interconnectedness of the world. From major global events to local stories with global implications, nigerian worldwide news shapes our understanding of the world and influences collective responses to global challenges."