

Welcome born again Israelites. Please share the link to this channel and thank you for subscribing and liking the content. If anyone needs deliverance and has demons that need to be cast out, curses that need to be broken or demonic soul ties that need to be cut off call me on my cell number at +1 (909) 222 9315. We are all about the word of God that our Lord Yeshua commanded us to live by and the Great Commission He commanded us to carry out.🔥🕊️ Please go to my brother Abraham’s channel and subscribe to it at this link: https://youtube.com/@overcomebabylon?si=dWSEh-OMo2MFH5-x Check out his channel’s description for more information and where you can find these three links- To his amazing book about Bible prophecy: https://www.bibleprophecyunlocked.com/free-book-594011861685595359838 To find out what his channel is all about: https://www.kingdom-secrets.com/home To join his Kingdom Secrets Academy: https://www.kingdom-secrets.com/academy60444647

Bill Bean The Spiritual Warrior


The official channel of 'The Spiritual Warrior' Bill Bean.......... Bill Bean is a world-renowned Exorcist / Spiritual Deliverance Minister, and is known as 'The Spiritual Warrior.' Bill has helped hundreds of people in America, along with hundreds of others in 52 other countries. Bill Bean's Spiritual Warfare Deliverance Ministry addresses anything from curses – blocks – attachments – obsession – oppression to possession by demonic spirits. He's also an internationally known author, lecturer, and paranormal / supernatural expert. Bean is currently appearing in episodes of A Haunting, Ghost Nation, Fright Club, along with a 2019 episode of the Holzer Files. Bill regularly joins George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, and hosts his own weekly show called Warrior Mode. Bean appeared in the Lifetime Movie Network series, 'I was Possessed,' and was in the 2010 SYFY movie 'The Haunted Boy.' Bill has also appeared in many other TV shows about the paranormal / supernatural as well.

Calisthenics 365Pistol Squat Challenge


I'm Ravshan and I'm 40 years old. I've been doing what I love since I was 6 years old. I create a functional and healthy body. I love sports. I like swimming, running, armwrestling and now I'm fond of Calistenics, I want to squat on one leg, I have a goal to sit down 365pistolsquat times in one year, I eat healthy food, make myself smoothies and play sports, my favorite sport is armwrestling. Subscribe to my channel and you will see real calisthenic