Crochet and Knitting Tutorials | Unboxings | Reviews | Yarn | Hooks | Notions


Tansy - crafts, crochet, knitting tutorials; yarn, hooks, notions reviews and unboxings As a passionate crafter myself, teacher and former librarian, I've always loved sharing my knowledge and creativity with others. I hope you'll find something useful, inspirational and entertaining in each video. 💕 Thank you so much for watching this content and ☺️ if you want to show your additional support, you could: 👉🏼 use affiliate links: ☕️ buy me a coffee 🤩 buy merch, like yarnie stickers, project bags, and many more: 👀Follow the channel and get your yarn ready! Instagram: @myYarnLoft

Latina Libertarian

22 Followers Discussions & interviews on politics, building liberty, current events with Olga Maria an unapologetic Latina Libertarian, former progressive/marxist! Free Speech anti-wokeism activist building a parallel freedom community. Examining growing state intrusion, opting out of the system; homeschooling, off grid living, homesteading, the right of self defense & gun ownership, holistic & alternative medicine, independent living.

Българска история


От създаването си до днес „Българска история” работи в посока опресняване на историческата памет, засилване на националната гордост, възраждане на забравени личности и епизоди от близкото и далечно минало. Екипът, стоящ зад проекта, е убеден, че историята трябва да се разглежда като стабилна основа за изграждане на национално самосъзнание и самочувствие, които са изключително важни за просперитета на един народ. Влагайки усилията си в дейности, акцентиращи върху историята, културата, традициита и бита, екипът на „Българска история” си поставя за цел да придаде облик на всичко онова, което наричаме български дух, и да изгради мост между миналото и настоящето. Всички инициативи, с които към настоящия момент се ангажира екипът на „Българска история” – поддръжката са сайт, обиколки на училища с цел изнасяне на уроци по родолюбие, създаване на късометражни филми и адаптирани образователни клипове на историческа тематика, са само част от заложените за развитие в бъдеще проекти.

The Network of Awarians Channel


Welcome to the Network of Awareness, the podcast that provides listeners with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the world around them. Our mission is to provide the public with the information they need to make informed decisions and to be able to identify what is true and what is false. We achieve this mission through interviews with people who are working to make a positive difference in the world. Our guests have a wide range of experiences and expertise, and by listening to their stories, you can gain a better understanding of the world and the people in it. We also provide our listeners with an opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions about the topics covered in the podcast. We believe in the power of knowledge and understanding, and our goal is to help our listeners become more informed and aware human beings. Episodes are released weekly Mon - Fri EST. Live Audio Broadcasted episodes on go to Subscribe to our website: “Don't look for the light at the end of the tunnel, because the light is within you. Light up the tunnel and find your way thru the darkness .” - ORRA Truth Seekers are welcome!