The American IDol


On this channel, you can find clips and full episodes from the latest season, as well as highlights and performances from past seasons. Additionally, the channel features behind-the-scenes content, interviews with judges and contestants, and exclusive content that fans of the show will love. Whether you're a die-hard "American Idol" fan or just enjoy watching talented singers compete, this channel is the perfect place to stay up-to-date on all things related to the show.

Michael Peroutka for Attorney General


I am seeking the Republican nomination for the office of Attorney General of Maryland. My reasons for doing so are more fully set out on my campaign website at but, briefly stated, I believe that unless the violations of Marylander’s rights to freely assemble, worship, speak, publish, conduct business, and make their own medical decisions, etc., are redressed and the lawbreakers brought to justice, we will not enjoy, nor will we be able to pass on the “Blessings of liberty” to our children.

BackCountry X-Plane Pilot


Hello, you maybe you are or maybe your not wondering what is Backcountry X-Plane pilot all about? Well, it’s about putting some fun and challenge back into your simulator flying. My website and this YouTube channel is designed to help you explore the many backcountry airports and put some fun, and challenges back into your simulator virtual reality flying. We will explore some of the best destinations to fly to and the equipment we will need to do it. We will discover and fly into the many hidden backcountry airports everyone else is flying over. And, we will do it with the challenge of real time flight simulator weather. Subscribe to the channel and join us on some epic journeys. Leave us a comment or two. Visit my website at for more insight on virtual reality (VR) simulator flying.