AllatRa TV Français


ALLATRA TV est une chaîne web internationale bénévole du Mouvement public international «ALLATRA», dont les participants sont les personnes de différents pays du monde. Des thèmes fascinants sur la connaissance de soi, des dialogues francs sur la chose la plus importante pour l'être humain, de bonnes actualités, des interviews insolites, etc. Tout ceci et beaucoup d’autres choses encore sur ALLATRA TV, une chaîne qui encourage l'apprentissage, une chaîne publique éducative, qui est en constante amélioration, elle est constructrice et elle aspire vers la bonté.Si vous avez le désir d'appliquer de manière désintéressée vos compétences et vos connaissances au profit du développement spirituel et moral de la société, d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences dans divers domaines de la créativité, et de générer du bien dans une équipe amicale de personnes partageant les mêmes idées, alors nous vous invitons à rejoindre les projets ALLATRA TV. Notre adresse :

Franki Baaz Official


Franki Baaz is a Singer/Songwriter of Indie Rock and Christian Indie Rock. Franki Baaz was born and raised in the City of Angels, Los Angeles, California. As a native of that great city, she fit in well with all the creative juices flowing out of all her fellow Angelinos. Singing before she could talk (as told by her mother) , Franki was singing opera at the age of 7 years old. And she grew up on a steady diet of rock and roll (courtesy of her older siblings). So it is no surprise that Franki Baaz is a prolific songwriter. She has written 98% of the lyrics and 100% of all melodies in most of her music albums. And while she writes many more songs than ever are recorded, she continues to give us the cream off the top of her songwriting works. Franki is working on her 8th album to be released in 2023. Franki's previous project called Great City, also received airplay in the U.S. college market and European radio. Two albums were recorded and the 1st one from Great City received airplay on the famous Los Angeles commercial radio station, KROQ. The Great City sound was about the merging of Franki's vocals, words and melodies with Grayson's music and beats (co-artist in Great City). Both artists had the ability to create sounds that moved you, emotionally as well as rhythmically. And despite the electronicness of the sounds the music is well crafted and well produced. A good listen which was reflected by the amount of airplay it received. Great City was played on 68 college stations across the U.S. Canada and Europe in pre-internet days. It was in the top 10 of many CMJ rated stations. This self titled first album was played on the L.A. based alternative rock station KROQ. Great City was conceived in the minds of Franki Baaz (Blaze) and Grayson Wray in 1985. Franki was coming out of music school and Grayson had just finished another project. In the beginning Franki and Grayson met up as jamming partners. This collaboration soon turned into a band situation. Franki's vision about the kind of music they should do and Grayson's abilities to interpret what Franki heard, make the band a force to be reckoned with in the 1980's. The Great City sound was soon heard around the world in those pre-internet times. They received rave reviews from Keyborad magazine and also from the press in Zagreb, Yugoslavia. At one point, Atlantic Records, New York, considered signing Great City but declined due to the fickleness of the Los Angeles heavy metal A&A person who interviewed Great City. This was a great loss to the music industry. Franki Baaz now resides in New Mexico and is working on her next album, which incidentally is a Christian Album dedicated to her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And in her own words; "Life without Jesus is nothing and is equivalent to turning your back to love, truth and life. All Glory to God ....................



Description Vivímos en un mundo cambiante... Lo que antes funcionaba ya no funciona. íHay que empezar a pensar diferente! Bievenidos a tu canal de Tecnología Financiera, yo seré tu mentor y amigo FrankgdProducer. En este canal encontrarás variedad sobre Noticias, Fuentes de Ingresos, Creador de Contenido y de como la tecnología te puede llevar a lograr tener un mejor estilo de vida y alcanzar todas tus metas financiera. La tecnología ha creado oportunidades que antes no existían. Lo que antes tardaba 10 a 20 años en lograr, gracias a la tecnología podemos lograrlo en 1,2 y 3 años. íAsi que si quieres saber como mucho lo están logrando, suscríbansen y sean parte de este canal para que tu también lo puedas lograr! Muchas gracias por su apoyo, Frank Gomez - FRANGDPRODUCER