Thomas and Friends: Full Seasons (1984-2024):Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends-Season 02


Thomas & Friends: originally known as Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends or simply Thomas the Tank Engine; later called Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! is a British children's television series. Based on The Railway Series of books by Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son Christopher, English writer and producer Britt All-croft arranged a deal to bring the stories to life as the TV series. In the United Kingdom, it had its first broadcast on the ITV network in 1984. In the United States, it had its first broadcast on Shining Time Station in 1989. ​ These books follow the adventures of a group of anthropomorphize locomotives and road vehicles who live on the fictional Island of Sodor. The titular protagonist Thomas is the most popular and famous character in the series. The books were based on stories Wilbert told to entertain his son, Christopher, during his recovery from measles. Many of the stories from the first four series are based on events from Awdry's personal experience.



El objetivo de este canal es presentar la verdadera cara de la industria farmacéutica que es uno de los pilares fundamentales del sionismo global para el sometimiento de todos los pueblos del planeta mediante la destrucción de la salud y posterior dependencia de sus productos "medicinales". Esta industria fue el principal tentáculo en la creación y ejecución de la plandemia del covid19. Demostrar como es el fraude mas grande de la historia de nuestra presente civilización, todo con el objetivo de instaurar un gobierno mundial totalitario donde cada uno de los seres humanos será un esclavo listos para ser ofrecido en holocausto de fuego al demiurgo.

My human right is to think differently !


People that are actively involved here have combined their time and energy and approached this for the purest of reasons and ideals, and with no preconceived notions ! We are not encumbered by anything, there is no interest involved, and at the same time we do not, and will not, allow anyone to challenge our work by possibly linking anything that we do to something that is, or can be, viewed as being against the law ! In order to achieve our goal, we went a step further, and are preparing something that will ensure those of us who consider themselves to be 'free thinkers' to NEVER BE CENSORED AGAIN, something that has happened time and again throughout history, and today it seems is reaching its peak ! We firmly believe that the potential for change, not only of every society but the world as a whole, lies in absolutely each one of us... but that the biggest problem is in the fact that we are just not aware of it… Our voice has to count ! Contact Site

Shawn Thomas Online


Shawn Thomas is a Contemporary Christian singer/songwriter and worship leader based in South Carolina. As a "CCM" artist (Contemporary Christian Music), many of Thomas' original works are included in the CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) Library, and he participated as a voting "Grammy" member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences from 2009-2015. Shawn hosts the online social community feed, "Worship Together" featuring weekly worship breaks, "Good News" broadcasts, podcasts, and live performances. ( Shawn lives in the Northwest South Carolina area with his husband, Brian, of 14 years and their Australian Eskimo (that's a dog!), "Murphy." He (Shawn, not Murphy) currently serves in ministry at Seneca Presbyterian Church as the Director of Communications as well as the Assistant to the Director of Music, and his ministry is an affiliate of The Evangelical Network (TEN).