Program7 NTI

1 Follower

Niezależna Telewizja Internetowa Program7 Kanał polski Wsparcie: Jeśli chcesz być moim patronem 36 2910 0006 0000 0000 0330 3648 tytuł przelewu: darowizna Odbiorca: Marek Czapla Wpłaty zagraniczne (wielowalutowe): Odbiorca: Marek Czapla IBAN: LT43 3250 0166 6122 4956 Kod BIC/SWIFT: REVOLT21 Tytuł przelewu: darowizna Adres odbiorcy: Łużycka 51, 30-658, Małopolskie, Kraków, PL adres e-mail Będziemy wdzięczni za polubienie i subskrypcje kanału Zapraszam na naszą stronę www Nasz facebook:

The Global Influencer Partners Program

1 Follower

Habits is everything. You rise and fall on habits. The right habits can position you to win with money, business and relationships. This platform "Habits N Money" is designed to give you strategies, tools, processes and systems to win in business and in life. This platform will enable you to learn from best selling authors, financial advisors, real estate investors, sales communication specialist, project management practitioners, digital marketing specialist and so many more. We invite and encourage you to be a part of this community: Write to us, share your thoughts with us. Know and feel you are a vital part of this financial leadership connection. Every year we will identify 100 person to mentor, coach and support to become better with finance, start their own businesses or attain financial independence. Send us a text in the chat or email below and let us know your interest to benefit from these offers.

Entertainment cultural program

1 Follower

Welcome everyone. This is an entertainment channel, there will be videos of different types of cultural shows and different types of entertainment. Hope you enjoy it. Share, comment, like. সবাইকে স্বাগতম। এটি একটি বিনোদন মুলক চ্যানেল , এখানে থাকবে বিভিন্ন ধরণের সাস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠান বিভিন্ন ধরণের বিনোদন এর ভিডিও। আশা করি আপনারা এটা উপভোগ করবেন। শেয়ার করবেন ভালো কমেন্ট করবেন লাইক দিবেন। #videos #entertainment