لنرتقي معأ بالعقل وندرك مهاراته من خلال البحث والتصفح والاستكشاف والقرآة والثقافه العامه

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أبحث تصفح استكشف اقرأ تثقف أي ثقافة عامه حافظ عللى روتينك اليومي من الرياضه ايضا حافظ على اكل وغذاء صحي كل هذه تساعد لتنمية العقل وأدراك مهاراته.... نتمنى لكم الاستفاده دوما... شكرا لكم

Digital Learner is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their digital skills or learn about the latest technology trends.

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Digital Learner is a Rumble channel dedicated to providing educational content to viewers interested in learning about various digital technologies and tools. The channel is geared towards individuals of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced users. The videos on Digital Learner cover a wide range of topics related to digital technology, such as website design, coding, social media marketing, digital graphics, video editing, and more. The videos are presented in a clear, concise manner and are easy to follow, making them accessible to viewers with varying levels of technical expertise. The channel's host is a knowledgeable and engaging presenter who has a passion for teaching and sharing his knowledge with others. He often breaks down complex topics into simple, easy-to-understand terms, making the content accessible to everyone. Digital Learner's videos are regularly updated, and viewers can expect to find new content on a regular basis. The channel also encourages viewer engagement, with comments and questions always welcome, and often incorporates viewer feedback into new videos. Overall, Digital Learner is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their digital skills or learn about the latest technology trends.

Mind Skills for Well-Being

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Mike Stroh, MACP, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) My name is Mike and I'm the founder of Starts With Me, a consultancy specializing in k-12 education and workplace mental health. Starts With Me helps to create mentally healthy teams that are connected, effective and purpose driven. On this channel, I will share with you a combination of my personal and professional experience to help you increase your innate capacity for resilience and well-being. I do this through a combination practices rooted in experiential learning. The teachings combine mindfulness, emotional intelligence, cognitive behavioural theory, and neuroscience. Peace Out

education- marketing- softskills- leaders

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تكمن أهمية وجود المهارات الحياتية في حياة الفرد في قدرته على التكيّف مع كافّة الظروف، والنجاح في نهضة المجتمعات وازدهارها، ومُنطلق ذلك من الدين الحنيف الذي بيّن أنّ الغاية من خلق الإنسان هي إعمار الأرض وخلافتها، وقد حثّ النبي محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم - على إتقان العمل والقيام به على أفضل صورة؛ إلّا أنّ نقص المهارات الحياتية لدى الاجيال الحالية يُعتبر من أهمّ المشكلات التي يجب البحث عن حلول سريعة لها، ذلك أنّ مخرجات المؤسسات التربويّة تفتقر إلى المهارات الحياتيّة، وبالتالي يفشل الكثيرون في حياتهم الوظيفية والشخصيّة؛ بسبب غياب هذه المهارات لديهم.