Secrets of History


Secrets of History takes you on a captivating journey through the untold stories, dark mysteries, and intriguing events that have shaped our world. From ancient civilizations to modern-day crimes, our channel dives deep into the shadows of history to uncover hidden truths and forgotten tales. Whether it's exploring the lives of infamous serial killers, unraveling unsolved mysteries, or analyzing pivotal historical events, Secrets of History promises thrilling content that keeps you hooked. Join us to unlock the secrets of the past and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Yemen War 2015-2022 air raids


On March 26, 2015, with the beginning of the Saudi Arabian air strikes, the civil war in Yemen war changed to be a war with international participation. Saudi Arabia and the United States are equally involved in this war and equally responsible for its escalation. The United States (and in their wake Germany, Britain and France as well) have armed Saudi Arabia for decades. The US also is giving political support to Saudi Arabia in this conflict as well as military support: By intelligence and logistics, with tank aircrafts and with its own fleet. By this way, the US actively promotes war, mass murder and destruction. On the contrary, the US could end the Saudi attacks by a firm stance and by an arms boycott. This channel shows films reporting the Saudi coalition air raids. More info and photos at Deutsch: Aus dem Bürgerkrieg im Jemen ist seit dem 26. März 2015, dem Beginn der saudi-arabischen Luftangriffe, ein Krieg mit internationaler Beteiligung geworden. Saudi-Arabien und die USA sind gleichermaßen in diesen Krieg involviert und für seine Eskalation verantwortlich. Die USA (und in ihrem Schlepptau etwa auch Frankreich, Großbritannien und Deutschland) haben Saudi-Arabien über Jahrzehnte aufgerüstet. Die USA unterstützt Saudi-Arabien in diesem Konflikt politisch und militärisch: Mit Aufklärung und Logistik, mit Tankflugzeugen sowie der eigenen Flotte. So treiben die USA den Krieg, Massenmord und Zerstörung aktiv voran. Im Gegenteil könnten die USA die saudischen Angriffe durch eine eindeutige Haltung und einen Rüstungsboykott beenden. Dieser Kanal zeigt Flime, die über die Luftangriffe der Saudi-Koalition berichten. Mehr Infos und Fotos unter

Animal Aid Unlimited


Founded in 1976, Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) is a national nonprofit organization advocating for animal rights, veganism and sustainability. For many years, we were the only national animal rights organization fighting for farmed animals and advocating to end the use of animals for food. Operating from our nation’s capital and New York through a network of local activists, FARM conducts massive public awareness campaigns and international programs (including MeatOut, Vegan Earth Day, World Day for Farmed Animals, and Compassionate Holidays). Our Animal Rights National Conference has inspired thousands of animal rights activists and motivated movement newcomers for over 40 years.

Aadil Decor World


In This Channel I'll upload my Decoration Experience like, Modern Bedroom Design Ideas, Bedroom Furniture Design, Home Interior Decorating Ideas, Dressing Mirror Ideas, Wooden Bedroom Furniture Sets, Bedroom walk in closet, wardrobe interior design ideas, Modern Wardrobe Interior Design, Modern Kitchen Design, Modular Kitchen Design, Modern Media Wall Design, Makeover Living Area, Luxurious Living area, Modular Kitchen Design, Media Wall for Living Area, Decor, Modular Kitchen, Home Decor.