Programa A Vida É Assim


Descrição Olá, sou Tátiana Fedatto Andrade, Apresentadora e Terapeuta. O programa estreiou em 11 de setembro de 2020 aqui no Youtube, Spotify, Facebook e IPTV Canal 5 - Ceará. Se você gosta de assuntos Interessantes, Polêmicos, Reflexivos e de utilidade pública, sob os valores da Verdade, Credibilidade, Espontaneadade e Simplicidade. Você vai adorar este programa!!!! Costumo dizer que faço este programa "egoisticamente" para mim (rsss), porque adoro aprender coisas novas e Amo demais conhecer as incríveis histórias reais de pessoas reais. O Programa A Vida É Assim acontece todo sábado às 11h da noite. Inscreva-se. É de graça! Sugestões de Pauta ou Parcerias: WhatsApp 📱 (12) 98814-1040 Aproveita e add meu número e acompanhe os status.😉👍 Nos siga também nas redes sociais. SPOTIFY INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK Espero você!

O Mestre dos Programas


Neste canal você vai aprender sem enrolação, sem truques. Tudo sobre informática, programas, instalação, recuperação de dados, reparo de pc. Rede Wifi e instalação de sua casa inteligente e onde comprar seu equipamentos sem ser enganado. Já tentou de tudo e não conseguiu venha comigo que eu te explico. Iremos nos aprofundar em dicas para youtubers e todos os segredos que outros canais não contam, neste ano criei 2 canais e vou mostrar tudo para vocês entenderem como é o crescimento de canais em diferentes nichos, onde mostro que não existe milagre e sim seu esforço e força de vontade fará de você um vencedor! Venha comigo e acompanhe !

keepdiettips Best Effective Ways for Diet Program


Welcome to KeepDietTips, your ultimate guide to healthy eating, weight loss, and balanced nutrition! 🌱 Our channel is packed with practical diet tips, delicious recipes, and expert advice to help you achieve your health goals. Whether you're exploring keto, intermittent fasting, plant-based diets, or just looking for easy meal prep ideas, we’ve got you covered! From busting diet myths to sharing success stories, we make nutrition simple, fun, and sustainable. Join us for weekly updates, and let’s build a healthier lifestyle together! 💪 Hit that subscribe button and never miss out on new videos! Hashtags: #DietTips #HealthyEating #WeightLossTips #KetoDiet #IntermittentFasting #MealPrepIdeas #NutritionTips #CleanEating #FitnessJourney #HealthyLifestyle #KeepDietTips #PlantBasedDiet #LowCarbMeals #DietMotivation #MindfulEating #DietPlan #HealthyRecipes #WellnessJourney

Cute animalsEven though our parents are probably happy and relieved to see us grow up and let go of some baby habits, but in all honesty, our furry counterparts could just stay babies forever – that’s how cute animals are! And if some might argue the


Even though our parents are probably happy and relieved to see us grow up and let go of some baby habits, but in all honesty, our furry counterparts could just stay babies forever – that’s how cute animals are! And if some might argue the that human babies are more adorable, we give you this list of the cutest animals ever to reconsider

ERW Custom Programming, Inc. - Verified


We are Visual FoxPro experts, converting and supporting all versions of FoxPro from FoxBase to Visual FoxPro 9. We convert Visual FoxPro to C#.NET. If you are doing your own conversion, we have many tools to assist you such as automatic conversion of almost all of the objects in an FRX or SCX file as well as conversion of much of the actual programming code from Visual FoxPro to C#.NET. We have worked extensively in dBase II, dBase III, Clipper, FoxBase, FoxPro for DOS, FoxPro for Windows and Visual FoxPro. We can provide quality support for your existing custom VFP program. ERW Custom Programming Inc. is a family-owned business started in 1981 by Wes Wilson. We were incorporated in Michigan in 1988 and are members of the Better Business Bureau. Call us at (248) 683-4182 or visit

Official Channel for Rap music artist Nune Aka Mr. Propane


The Official Nune aka Mr. Propane channel. Nune (pronounced Noon) also known as Mr. Propane is an underground artist from Southern Louisiana focusing on lyrical substance and conscience content with a very unique sound. Embracing deep poetic lyrics and unique delivery, along with a focused subject matter that really blends into timeless songs you will want to dig deep into. From life, love, faith, and general peace his debut album Intervention is a breath of fresh air in the face of the evolution of hip-hop to trap, then Drill, and then to Autotune and Mumble Rap Era. Socially aware and full of motivation this is only the beginning. Be a part of my journey as I am compelled to be a voice of reason in the midst of all the static we are drowned in. "Intervention" is not only an introduction into his life and deep inner-feelings but also an escape to a higher consciousness. "Motivation of Life, Love, and Respect"

If you're looking for YouTube channels that provide computer education, whether it's programming, software tutorials, or general tech knowledge, there are several excellent options available


I apologize, but as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I do not have specific information about a YouTube channel called "Abhishek Ray" related to computer education. It's possible that this channel either did not exist at that time or was not widely known in the computer education space.