Pizza Boyz Comic

1 Follower

Ever wanted to read a comic that had the thrills of a workout, with the laughs of a podcast and the nostalgia of an N64?.. Probably never crossed your mind till now. Well in Pizza Boyz, the sit-com styled comic goes into the fray of what is best in life. Creating martial arts movies with friends, finding the easy street way of making money until your podcast takes off, being cautious of that guy at the gym and utilizing the secret powers that Mario Kart holds. And of course, grabbing a slice of some good times pizza. Created, Written, and Drawn by Spencer Scott Holmes.

SkateboardPhilosopher Verified

1 Follower

America is in total collapse. Everyone seeks answers; none are forthcoming, The intellectuals who are supposed to provide them are hopeless and helpless; they are all descended from bankrupt philosophical traditions that are uniformly subjectivist, collectivist, irrational, and post modern. We advocate and advance the opposite: a philosophical modernization and revival of the classical foundations upon which Western Civilization was built: objectivism; individualism; and reason.