

Onpassive is a new AI Information Technology platform (a future Unicorn Company) that aims to provide a high end plug and play internet tools for anyone with an online business or, an offline business with an online presence, which is almost every business. Founders positions are still available and will be ending in December. Only affiliate positions will be there after. Our current worldwide founder are 296,802 strong this day 11/20/2020. Be a Founder Today before its to late www.OnpassiveToday.com

Robert Ficano Show Episodes


Welcome to the Channel where we post episodes of the Robert Ficano Show! We are currently experimenting with different ways to conduct the Show (as a podcast) since we are no longer on AM Radio. This channel also features episodes of the Robert Ficano Show. Older episodes are on YouTube, but I moved over here because Rumble respects free speech. The Radio Station that hosted our show is WFDF, AM 910. Unfortunately they changed formats so we will be regrouping to plan the next iteration of the show. The broadcaster had been posting all episodes, of all programs, on Facebook but they deleted all of their original content when they changed formats. Please read this article for more information: https://www.metrotimes.com/news/white-millionaire-abruptly-pulls-plug-on-predominantly-black-talk-radio-station-910am-33875753 Scotty Boman was granted permission to post this show by the Station Manager of WFDF AM. 910 AM Superstation, Denise "Dody" Johnson... Thank you! Since that time WFDF AM has changed their format to ESPN coverage. Ms. Johnson posted a comment on the change here: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10161674648923840 Many Episodes, leading up to November 2021, are posted o this YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLejJKnW2w0&list=PLR42aKbB9xPM8A3BBFG8n3ncKdYyKZUME

All episodes of One Piece


All episodes of One Piece Marine Ford war complete war Marineford Summit War One Piece (Japanese: ワ ン ピ ー Romaji: Wan Pīsu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ichiro Oda. The Weekly Shonen Jump manga series since August 4, 1997; Single chapters are published in Tankobon volumes by Shuicha with the first issue being on December 14, 1997, and the release of volume 72 in November 2013. One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy whose body acquired rubber properties after accidentally eating devil fruit (ocean fruit according to the Arabic dubbing) Official), and his diverse crew of pirates, called the Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy explores the ocean in search of the greatest treasure known as "One Piece" to become the second Pirate King. In anime and manga, Luffy is the captain of the Strawhat Pirates. He comes from the town of Fosha. He is 17 years old at the start of his journey, and he is very fun and adventurous, and a wonderful leader of his team that he collected to share with him the adventure of searching for the treasure of One Piece, which is a way to achieve his goal of being the next pirate king in the great pirate era. Do not forget to support us in order to continue publishing in the loop

Extransgenderpastor Reverend Edmund Smith


Real Love Ministry (RLM) is a ministry and church that reaches out to Marginalized Community (homosexuals, deaf individuals and others). Our centre and church is located at 1-32 & 3-32, PM6, Plaza Mahkota, Melaka, Malaysia. Our primary CALLING is to equip and train Befrienders for the Marginalized Community. For more information, Pastor Edmund Smith who is based in Malacca can be contacted via his email address is at – reallovemalaysia@gmail.com