Encounter God in a New Way! Verified


From the energetic music of the band to the reflective waters of baptism; from creative visuals to the thoughtful presentation of the Gospel; worship is an opportunity to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.... and be transformed in his presence! The purpose of Oakland Community Church is to positively impact our community and reach people with the truth, relevance, and life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Visit www.oaklandcommunity.church to learn more.

Soundbath Center


Welcome to The Soundbath Center channel! We are currently updating this channel so look out for new content soon. 👉About The Soundbath Center The Soundbath Center is the premiere venue for sound baths and sound bath certification courses in Los Angeles, California. Owner Jamie Bechtold has been playing sound baths with gongs and crystal singing bowls professionally since 2003 and has played over 3,500 public events. She and partner Robert Lee launched the original Soundbath Practitioner Training in Los Angeles in January 2017. The center specializes in offering therapeutic-style sound baths with multiple gongs and crystal singing bowls. This style of sound bath helps to guide listeners on an inward journey, relaxing the body and mind. This is the style of sound bath to illicit deep relaxation, altered states of consciousness, and creative insights. *All content on this channel is original, copyrighted material. LEARN MORE 👉Website Sound-Bath.com 🎓Sound Bath Certification Course https://sound-bath.com/soundbathtrainingcertification/ ✨Sound Bath Instruments https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjd5VnY0angtQnUzX2RtY2VTS3NxaEdTTHhuQXxBQ3Jtc0ttUUpHNWtMOFNvYl9hRldLRGxkeEplU1RldFhHd2gwVnVxS2RDeFI1RlRLX0hQaVlVS2ZhNTY4M3RxdWFxckJHV29ocHpsVWZyUEtGd1pJSWJTU0J3dW51emkxVlB2WG5SeENHYUFhbUZGSXAxaXB2OA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fsound-bath.com%2Fbuy-sound-bath-instruments%2F