Modred Old Movies


Internet Archive Official - Old and Classic Films** Welcome to Internet Archive Official, your digital haven for the most iconic films in cinema history. On our Patreon page, you will find a carefully curated collection of old films, classics, and forgotten gems that have marked an era and continue to delight generations. Our goal is to preserve cinematic memory by offering access to rare, restored, and often forgotten films by the industry today. By supporting Internet Archive Official, you help keep cinema history alive, ensuring that content that has defined the world of arts and culture is accessible to everyone. In return, we offer exclusive access to additional content, such as behind-the-scenes documentaries, video commentary, trivia, and much more. Join us and be part of this mission of cultural preservation while enjoying a true journey through time through the seventh art! Support and explore cinema as it should be: classic, timeless, and accessible to everyone!



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The Old World of the Future


The narrative of our postmodern world is that we live in the most happy, democratic, and advanced society that has ever existed on Earth. Is that true? Is “happy, democratic, and advanced” the right way to deem if a society is good or bad? And how do we even measure such a claim? In “The Old World of the Future” I will bring you with me on a journey through time and deception; a journey through our forgotten past, but also a journey through the state of blatant ignorance that dominates our current, unsophisticated reality; an era we have come to call postmodernity, governed by the tale of Atheism, Nihilism, and neo-Marxism. What is postmodernity? How did it come about? What ideological framework has helped shape it? On this journey, I will attempt to seek the Truth to these questions, and many more. This journey will take us all the way back to the Creation of the world, its quantum physical origin, and humanity’s True Purpose in this physical realm of Earth. We will investigate the ideology of collectivism, seek its hidden spirit of and longing desire for human control, and explain why the experiment of centralized socialism is doomed to fail. We shall identify the function of time, and how we can use time, as a judge, to determine which ideas become physical representations of timelessness, and discover why that becomes the monumental task of human endeavor. In the end, we will look to the physical representations of the Old World that once was; a future long forgotten, deliberately and masterfully removed from our his-story books. From this knowledge, we will rediscover the collective memory of our past, our human past, to once again have the possibility to seek human unification under the Truth. The Truth of Whom we serve, to What we belong, and to Where we are. Hopefully, humanity will develop to recreate true diversity, powered by self-sufficient individuals and proud nations, through family-oriented societies that are centered around the holy vow of marriage. Hopefully, there will exist lasting peace and harmony on Earth once more, and for millenniums to come. And, hopefully, we will return to serve the Spirit of God, instead of the Spirit of the Ego. During this journey, you will realize that we do NOT live in the most happy, democratic, and advanced society that has ever existed. You will discover that humanity indeed has fallen, as our reality has been usurped by our worship of the Ego and those who control that Ego. You will recognize that ignorance is death, not bliss. Finally, you will find yourself able to comprehend the Truth, and to envision the Truth, and know by fact and in confidence that you must wake up from this current dream of deception, to enter back into the True reality; before it is too late.