Biserica Sfânta Treime, LA * Paroh: Pr. Protopop Constantin Alecse


Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: EDUCATIA RELIGIOASA ȘI RĂSPUNSURI LA PROVOCĂRILE CONTEMPORANE Biserica Ortodoxă Română Americană Sfânta Treime din Los Angeles, în încercarea sa de a-și ajuta credincioșii săi, și alți Internauți interesați, ortodocși și neortodocși laolaltă, să cunoască și să aprofundeze mai mult cunoștințele lor despre credința ortodoxă si practicile sale liturgice, și a se implica, prin dialog sincer, la cautarea unor răspunsuri la întrebările privind provocările și problemele contemporane ale societății de astăzi, aproape „post-creștină”, a creat două (2) Canale, pe platforma RUMBLE, după cum urmeaza: 1). Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: 2). Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: *** 1A). In primul Canal [Educatia Religioasa] sunt abordate subieste legate de cunoasterea credinței ortodoxe prin prezentarea de interviuri și predici ale unor ierarhi ortodocși, preoților, călugărilor și diverșilor teologi, din întreaga lume, pe chestiuni și subiecte interesante, pe teme variate legate de biserică: Istoria și Învățăturile bisericilor, ]n special creștin-ortodoxe, educația religioasă, predicile, studiul biblic, școlile duminicale și retrageri spirituale, etc. 2A). In cel de al doilea Canal [Provocări Contemporate], sunt abordate, între altele, următoarele tematici: • Problemele religioase contemporane legate de religie includ secularizarea societății, ascensiunea fundamentalismului religios, relația religiei cu globalizarea și modernizarea economică, conflictele acesteia cu știința și relația sa în schimbare cu arta. • Probleme morale contemporane legate de lipsa de pace și armonie, scăderea încrederii intre oameni, creșterea criminalității și a comportamentului lipsit de etică, crimă, furt, viol, minciună și încălcarea promisiunilor, avort, eutanasie, pedeapsa capitală, moralitate sexuală, inginerie genetică, economie inegalitatea, încălzirea globală, bunăstarea și justiția socială și anihilarea unei coeziuni sociale. • Probleme etice contemporane: autonomie, binefacere, si dreptate sociala. Fiecare persoană are dreptul de a lua propriile decizii pe baza propriilor convingeri și valori. Problemele abordate mai sus, și multe altele, desigur că influențează identitatea individuală și autoritatea religioasă a Religiilor lumii; persoanele private și instotițiile civice, în ceeace privește funcționarea societății contemporane; căsătoria și familia; utilizarea timpului, a banilor și a altor resurse personale; calitatea și valoarea vieții; interpretarea binelui și răului în viețuirea colectivă; egalitate și diferență; conflict și violență, probleme globale, etc... *** Limba Română: Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: Biserica Sf. Treime pe FaceBook: Limba Engleză: Religious Education Video-Channel - Contemporary Challenges and Issues - Holy Trinity Church on FaceBook - Disclaimer: Canalele menționate mai sus aparțin Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Americane Sfânta Treime (, o parohie sub „Mitropolia Ortodoxă Română a celor 2 Americi” ( Dacă aveți întrebări și/sau sugestii, vă rugăm să contactați administratorul acestei platforme, părintele Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:] !!! Abonați-vă la aceste canale pentru a primi actualizări viitoare și postări noi. Binecuvantari frățești, Părintele Constantin Alecse


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Resistance TV


Get ready for the most exciting and thought-provoking show of the week! Join us every Wednesday at 7pm for Resistance TV live, the show that takes a bold, socialist stance on the issues that matter most to the left wing. Hosted by the former Labour MP, Derby Council Leader, founder of the Resist Movement for a People's Party, and Socialist Labour Party member Chris Williamson, we delve into the most pressing areas of concern for progressives: Anti Racism, Anti Imperialism, MMT, Injustice, Britain's role in foreign affairs, 21st century Socialism, Alternative Media, and more. But that's not all – our show is live and unfiltered, giving you a front-row seat to the discussions that shape our political landscape. And if you miss the live show, don't worry! Our audio podcast will be available every Friday, so you can catch up on all the action at your convenience. Join the Resistance TV movement and be a part of the progressive conversation. See you Wednesday!

Questions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers:


Today’s Society Contemporary Challenges and Issues Webpage: Main Themes: Contemporary religious issues related to religion include the secularisation of society, the rise of religious fundamentalism, religion's relationship to globalisation and economic modernisation, its conflicts with science, and its changing relationship with art. Contemporary moral issues related to the lack of peace and harmony, decrease in trust, an increase in crime and unethical behavior, murder, theft, rape, lying, and breaking promises, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, sexual morality, genetic engineering, economic inequality, global warming, welfare and social justice and a breakdown of social cohesion. Contemporary Ethical issues: autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence. Each person has the right to make its own decisions based on its own beliefs and values. The issues addressed above, and much more are influencing religious identity and authority; the personal and the private; marriage and family; influences on and use of time, money and other personal resources; the quality and value of life; questions of right and wrong; equality and difference; conflict and violence and global issues. Subscribe to this platform, and we will keep you updated with new posts. If you have questions and/or suggestions, please contact the administrator of this platform, Father Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:]

Stand on Guard with Me


"Stand on Guard with Me" now part of the combined "Rise of the Eco Guards" extensive video series, is a vibrant multimedia channel dedicated to celebrating Canadian culture, values, Real Canadian Multimedia Contents, & the many Peoples that have, & still served this once great country. Available on platforms like Rumble & YouTube, it features a variety of lesser known Real Canadian Content, including original music and artistic works that resonate with themes of Hope, Community, Spirituality, Eco Based Solutions, Political Satire & Futuristic Outlooks & Speculative Fiction Artistic Works. The channel's creator, known as Captain Patriot or Eco Prime, aims to engage viewers through thought-provoking discussions and creative expressions that reflect the essence of Canadian identity, and those of the original one and only Eco Guards Organizations, also now known as, Eco Guards, I E S found on Whom have served our Canadian culture and people's since the early 1980's, as well as all those throughout the entire world. There are many series which will include segments such as the "Rise of the Eco Guards", "The Call, to Serve Canada" which delve into the complexities of his life experiences, as a young leader of the Eco Guards, as well as modern life in Canada, while encouraging viewers to stand united. With a focus on environmental issues, social consciousness & the alleviation of homelessness. Captain Patriot invites audiences to reflect on their roles within their communities. By fostering a sense of camaraderie, community and patriotism, "Stand on Guard with Me" serves as a platform for Canadians to connect, share their stories, and stand together in solidarity. Watch as both the leader of the Eco Guards Organization, and this channel evolves over time.

Understand the Bible by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Verified


Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale, CA. For more of Pastor Scott\\\'s teaching 24x7, visit her website at Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to let Pastor Scott know you\\\'ve watched the teaching. She appreciates getting messages from viewers and will often read them during live broadcasts. Follow @Pastor_Scott on Twitter. Download Pastor Scott\\\'s "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store. Pastor Scott can also be seen on Roku on the "Understand the Bible?" channel. For more information visit

The best animals


By the animal world, we usually mean that kingdom, which is made up of different diverse groups of animals, which have their own character in life apart from the life that man wants for them. In that world, animals live their daily details freely according to a law that governs the movement of life for them, so they multiply, reproduce, live and die according to their own rules, and scientists have monitored about 7 million species of animals in the world, including about a million insects, and animals are divided in terms of nutrition into two types: one that feeds on Meat, called carnivores, and a type that feeds on herbs and the like, and is called herbivorous

@Natural Beauty Of Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan


Description Tourism and Adventure Chanel Please visit my channel and subscribe it , see the beauty of Nature in Gilgit Bultistan and enjoy the beauty of Nature by visiting Northern Areas Follow and subscribe our chanele Hi I’m Muhammad Yousaf. On my channel, you will find the videos about all topics fashion, funny, tourism, business, religious, Education, HistoryFilm , Animation Autos , Vehicles Music Pets , Animals, Sports ,Travel ,Events,Gaming,People , Blogs,Comedy ,Entertainment News , Politics Howto ,Style,Education Science , Technology Nonprofits , Activism. I love tourism, funny and adventure topics and sharing my experiences with you. Subscribe my channel to see more about every aspect of life .we will be glad and be happy on your feed bake.