Farjana Drawing Academy Official


About me: If you're new, hi, my name's Farjana! On this channel I always try to show the easiest way of drawing and Painting. From here you can improve your drawing skills. Hope you enjoy my videos and find them helpful!! I started uploading drawing video from Jan-20, 2017 and I have been getting a lot of love❤️ and support 😍 If you like my videos, Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell. You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook page Instagram Link - https://www.instagram.com/farjana_drawing_academy_/ Facebook page Link - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092408100405 Thank you

Star Citizen Raw MrE


Raw Gameplay, Raw Interviews, Each interview is numbered and delivered in 3 formats, Unedited Full (no editing at all, flaws and all), Edited (Full interview audio adjusted when needed, subtitles, dead space and less relevant parts taken out, and Edited Short (audio adjusted, subtitled taste of the interview with choice moments). Anything labeled Raw is just that. Maybe an intro and/or outro sheered in for flavor but sheer unadulterated gameplay. Hope you Enjoy. Thank You MR_E-00