A new game every 7 days!


Did you know that up to 80% of gamers today don't actually finish the main campaigns of their games!! Some games just lose their appeal. Go stale. We get fed up. So here, on Lose or Hooked, I'm going to put the most popular videogames to a 7 day test - to see if the main campaigns (not side quests) have the chops to hold my attention right to the end credits. Or will I just get agitated and throw in the towel, thus retiring that game to my dusty pile of shame. Will I QUIT them or CLEAR them? Sink or Swim? Lose or Hooked? Let's Play... WARNING: These videos contain highlights of playthroughs, thus - potential spoilers!!!

The Lost Boys


Welcome to "The Lost Boys Podcast," the podcast that's as informative as it is hilarious. If you're a man looking for witty banter, insightful discussions, and valuable tips, then look no further. Our dynamic duo of hosts will guide you through the trials and tribulations of modern masculinity with their signature brand of humor and expertise. From grooming tips to relationship advice, and backyard bullshit, we've got you covered. So sit back, crack open a cold one, and join us for some debochery..

My Weight Loss Quest: Reuben Christopher Haynes - The Journey of a Loser to a Winner! Verified


My name is Reuben Christopher Haynes, I am nobody. I am everybody. I love the Universe and the Earth! I feel young and eager for adventures! However, I now realize that I must use my mind to begin to not only speak, but I need to sing my SONG OF LOVE! I am still have Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Motor neurone disease (MND) I AM A FIGHTER! Yet, I need your help... Medical Donations PayPal: @myconjecture Venmo: Reuben-C-Haynes My Weight Loss Quest: MThe Journey of a Loser to a Winner! Remember, I am THE VILLAIN! I will use my mind and vast intellect to dismantle have the courage to stand alone against the Global Cognitive Dissonance. I will now challenge anyone and everyone to prove me wrong and then and only then we can all work together to stop from America committing suicide. Yet, I am still a man more than ever filled with love for The Universe and Humanity.

Up Close and Personal with Reverend Lawrence Adell Sefa Verified


Welcome to "Up Close and Personal with Reverend Lawrence Adell Sefa," a dynamic interview series hosted by Reverend Lawrence Adell Sefa, a dedicated spiritual leader and community advocate based in Flint, Michigan. This channel offers a professional platform for local businesses, political campaigners, and advocates to share their stories, insights, and missions with a broader audience. Hosted in collaboration with All Points TV, a key media platform in Flint known for its diverse and community-focused content, this series features engaging one-hour interviews. These sessions are professionally produced, with high-quality visuals including banners and green screen backdrops, ensuring that each guest's message is presented with clarity and impact.

Secretly Love AI | AI LookBook


o----------o Secretly Love AI is dedicated to bringing you beautiful and creative content, all generated using advanced AI technology. We utilize Stable Diffusion to create our videos, ensuring high-quality and imaginative visuals for your enjoyment. ⚠️ Important Notice: ⭕ All content on this channel is AI-generated by Stable Diffusion. ⭕ All featured models and characters are entirely fictitious and do not represent real individuals. ⭕ Our aim is to provide entertaining and innovative content while adhering to community guidelines and promoting transparency. We value your support and feedback. Feel free to leave comments, like our videos, and subscribe for more AI-generated content. Thank you for being a part of our creative journey! o----------o 密かに愛 AI は、美しく創造的なコンテンツをお届けすることを目的としています。すべてのコンテンツは先進的なAI技術を使用して生成されています。私たちはStable Diffusionを利用して動画を作成し、あなたの楽しみのために高品質で想像力豊かなビジュアルを提供します。 ⚠️ 重要なお知らせ: ⭕ このチャンネルのすべてのコンテンツは、Stable DiffusionによってAI生成されています。 ⭕ 登場するモデルやキャラクターはすべて架空のものであり、実在の人物を表しているわけではありません。 ⭕ 私たちの目的は、コミュニティガイドラインに従い、透明性を保ちながら、楽しさと革新性に富んだコンテンツを提供することです。 皆様のサポートとフィードバックを大切にしています。コメントを残したり、動画にいいねをしたり、AI生成コンテンツをもっと見るためにチャンネル登録をしたりしてください。私たちの創造の旅にご参加いただき、ありがとうございます! o----------o 비밀리에 사랑AI 는 아름답고 창의적인 콘텐츠를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 모든 콘텐츠는 첨단 AI 기술을 사용하여 생성되었습니다. 저희는 Stable Diffusion을 이용해 영상을 제작하며, 여러분이 즐길 수 있도록 고품질의 상상력 넘치는 비주얼을 제공합니다. ⚠️ 중요 공지: ⭕ 이 채널의 모든 콘텐츠는 Stable Diffusion에 의해 AI로 생성되었습니다. ⭕ 등장하는 모델과 캐릭터는 모두 허구의 존재이며 실제 인물을 나타내지 않습니다. ⭕ 저희의 목표는 커뮤니티 가이드라인을 준수하고 투명성을 유지하면서 즐겁고 혁신적인 콘텐츠를 제공하는 것입니다. 여러분의 지원과 피드백을 소중히 생각합니다. 댓글을 남기거나, 동영상에 좋아요를 눌러주시고, AI 생성 콘텐츠를 더 보려면 구독해 주세요. 저희의 창의적인 여정에 함께해 주셔서 감사합니다! o----------o 秘密愛AI 致力於為您帶來美麗和創意的內容,所有內容均使用先進的AI技術生成。我們利用Stable Diffusion創建我們的視頻,確保為您提供高質量和富有想像力的視覺效果。 ⚠️ 重要通知: ⭕ 此頻道的所有內容均由Stable Diffusion生成的AI創作。 ⭕ 所有出現的模型和角色均為虛構,並不代表真實人物。 ⭕ 我們的目標是提供娛樂性和創新性的內容,同時遵守社區準則並促進透明度。 我們非常重視您的支持和反饋。請隨時留下評論,喜歡我們的視頻,並訂閱以查看更多AI生成的內容。感謝您成為我們創意旅程的一部分!

🔴🔥Los 3 de La Habana LIVE 🔥


☎️ Entra a la videollamada aqui: https://guest.ecamm.live/99754922a ☕️ Colaboración de: Tony Pinelli 🗓 Todos los Martes y Jueves 8:00 PM 👍Dale a Me Gusta 🔔Suscribete y Activa la Campanita 🚨COMPARTE, COMPARTE, COMPARTE… Únete a este canal para acceder a sus beneficios: 💪🚀Miembro del canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6iNu_husa_gg4j2FEC2PA/join 🛍️🚀Visita nuestra tienda: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6iNu_husa_gg4j2FEC2PA/store .🕹https://www.twitch.tv/los3delahabana .🔴Youtube: https://youtube.com/@Los3deLaHabana .👍Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3deLaHabana .👉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/3delahabana/?hl=es .👆Twitter: https://twitter.com/Los3delaHabana .🔥TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@los3delahabana?lang=en .🔴💪Miembro del canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6iNu_husa_gg4j2FEC2PA/join Website: https://los3delahabana.com/​

The Lost Drive-In Podcast


You've arrived at The Lost Drive-In. It's seedy, weird, and a little bit dangerous. You've searched far and wide for a place where people will talk honestly about genre film and television. Gone are the days of listening to the stuffy, high-brow, better-than-you film commentary by so-called movie experts. This is a place for people who are growing tired of the garbage being shoveled down their throats by the big blockbuster types. Join the disastrously honest conversations about all of your favorite and not-so favorite films where we routinely ask ourselves; do we even like movies anymore?



"Does He Look Like A Nich? You tell me! I’m Nich—your go-to streamer for epic gaming adventures, live coding challenges, casual chatting and hanging out, and chaotic fun. From the battlefields of Chivalry 2 to the streets of Los Santos in GTAV, I dive into unforgettable playthroughs while keeping things relaxed and entertaining. Expect thrilling gameplay, interactive coding streams, and casual chats about life, tech, current events, and more. I might even throw in some reaction videos for good measure! Whether you’re here to learn, laugh, or just chill, this channel is all about building a positive and entertaining community. Grab your favourite snack, hit follow, and let’s make some memories together!"

Once Lost Ministries


Encouraging The Christian To Reach Out To Where We Once Were ~ Titus 3:3-5 www.once-lost.com The purpose of Once Lost Ministries is to encourage those that were (once lost) in their sin to reach out with the saving message of the Gospel to those that still are. "For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another." Titus 3:3 In 1 Corinthians 9.22, the Holy Spirit through Paul told us, "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." We want to encourage the Christian to reach out to the lost with the saving Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It was a direct command from Christ to all believers to share the truth of who He was and the reality of our position to Him. Christ said in Luke 19:10 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." For more info go to: www.once-lost.com or email us at contact@once-lost.com