Chest Thumper Outdoors


Chest Thumper Outdoors is all about sharing my passion for bowhunting, archery, and the outdoors with you, my friends. It started at 13, I was flipping through channels on a Sunday morning and I happened on a hunting show. No one in my family hunted, it wasn't an idea I was familiar with at all, but that 30-minute time slot ignited a passion inside of me that will never be extinguished. Fast forward 5 years and Chest Thumper Outdoors is born. We've made some changes over the years, had some growing pains, and took some time coming into our own and really finding our own way of doing things. We may not be perfect, but we go outside, we hunt, solely for the love of it all. I hope we can help spark your passion and keep that fire burning. Thank you so much for watching.

The 3rd Floor Podcast Satellite Verified


A Podcast from an old school kid from Jersey. Bringing a whole other view point on the World as a whole. Movies, Sports, News, Weather, nothing is filtered, hear it the way it once was, and can be again. FREE SPEACH Is What WE PREACH. Check us out and our 5th Grade humor, we're experts on all kinds of Topics. To Help The Show Out With A Donation CASHAPP $victorvalente820 THANK YOU Everyone...