The Cindy Rushton Show

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The Cindy Rushton Show covers it all! And, imagine! You can “retreat” with us as often as you would like (and forever!) as we talk about it all – pursuing the presence of God, living a life of purpose, goal-setting (and reaching!), practical and easy how-to’s, motivation, home, family, marriage, singleness, mindset, business, ministry, and entrepreneurial thinking… and so much more! We cover the full gamut of topics that really make a difference in whether you see success or only wish for it. Don’t Miss ONE Show!



Riddles, riddles everywhere… No, we are not talking about the ultra-famous Batman Theme Song by Michael Giacchino but definitely something better than that! Mind Your Logic brings to you an assortment of hand-picked riddles for kids and riddles for adults that will tickle your brain! Want to engage in funny riddles? We are at your service. Want tricky riddles that make you scratch your head? We got you. In summation; we are your one-stop-destination for all types of riddles in English, be it funny riddles, easy riddles, logical riddles or video riddles! What to expect – - Best Riddles! - Top quality videos that are not only knowledgeable but also super engaging! - Some thing for everyone. Be it daughter, mother or grandmother; all generations will find themselves coming back to this channel! - We empower you to learn and we grow together!



برنامج تك توك هو البرنامج الأول في مصر والشرق الأوسط الذي يتناول التكنولوجيا وتأثيرها على المجتمع. البرنامج تقديم د. محمد الجندي وهو خبير ومحاضر دولي في أمن المعلومات والجرائم الإلكترونية. يقدم البرنامج حلقات أسبوعية تتناول كل جديد في عالم التكنولوجيا والعلوم بطريقة مبسطة وجاذبة منذ عام 2013. يعرض البرنامج حصريا على قناة القاهرة والناس. TechTalk is the only TV show that tackles the tangible and intangible effects of the digital world on our society, presented by Dr. Mohamed El-Guindy since 2013. The TV Show is exclusively aired on Al Kahera Wal Nas TV Channel and discusses controversial scientific and technological topics.