21Uhr Bitcoin Podcast


Hallo lieber Bitcoin Freund, unser Podcast ist zu 100% zuschauerspendenfinanziert auf dem Bitcoin Standard und soll das auch bleiben. Das heißt kein Bullshit, keine Werbung, keine Bezahlschranken & kein Clickbait. Wenn Dir unsere Show gefällt und Dich zum Thema Bitcoin weiter bringt, freuen wir uns über eine kleine Value-4-Value Bitcoin Zuwendung über Lightning oder Onchain, damit wir weiter wachsen und Dir auch zukünftig uneingeschränkten Free & Open Source Bitcoin Content liefern können. 👉🏻LINK (https://coinos.io/21Uhr%20Bitcoin%20Podcast%20Tips/receive)👈🏻 Probier's aus und entdecke die Macht des Bitcoin! Vielen Dank & liebe Grüße! 🧡🙏🧡🙏🧡 Dein 21Uhr Bitcoin Podcast Team, Coco, Sunny & Lazor 🍊⚡️🍊⚡️🍊 Wenn Du noch keine Bitcoin hast, kannst Du die ersten Sats innerhalb des WalletOfSatoshi (https://www.walletofsatoshi.com/) beziehen. Danach bietet sich bisq.network (https://bisq.network/de/) als dezentrale, peer-to-peer & non-kyc Bitcoin Handelsplatform an. Und alles wie immer - no financial advice. Unseren Telegram Kanal findest Du hier: https://t.me/BitcoinPodcast21Uhr Haftungsausschluss: Der Inhalt der Videos dient nur zur Information und ist kein finanzieller Rat oder Empfehlung. Ein jeder muss sich selbständig informieren und sollte professionelle Hilfe für Investmententscheidungen heranziehen. Die geäußerte Meinung stellt keinerlei Aufforderung zum Handeln dar. Sie ist keine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Bitcoin, Sachwerten oder Wertpapieren.

the Connected Mama Collective Verified


Go ahead and click on our link to find all of our calls, freebie links, and information at https://linktr.ee/theCMC Our content is for you if you want to: 💫 Transform Stress into Lasting Calm, 🫶 Become The Best Version Of Yourself, 💃Nurture Your Mind, Body, and Spirit. 💫 Connect With Your Kids On A Deeper Level, 🫶 Unlock Optimization Through Simple Habits, 💃Thrive Alongside Other Powerhouse Mom's Find All The Info At: https://linktr.ee/theCMC This content is for moms stepping into their own authority and purpose so they can show up in the most healed and in-tuned way with those they love and lead. Mamas who want a consciously creating, spiritual community of woman showing up for themselves and healing their trauma. Women who want to raise their children in a whole, healed, loving home that have the skills to enter adulthood stable and secure. Alex is a Somatic Practitioner, trauma coach, and Ph.D. candidate in Metaphysical Counseling who serves entrepreneurial and career-minded mama’s who are struggling with emotional overwhelm, feeling unseen, and trying to survive in life while healing from generational trauma so they can have a peaceful, thriving relationship with themselves and their children. Alex uses a variety of theraputic modalities combined in a way that pulls out the deeply programmed traumas and limiting beliefs so that they leave the mind/body/soul more intact than when we started with. The soul healing and formal education Alex has achieved since 2012 has aided her ability to help her clients accomplish the same soul-mending she and her children have experienced. Her clients can finally recognize and heal their limiting beliefs and stuck patterns so they can create the life of their dreams on their terms. Our mama's don't worry about their children cutting them off as adults because they are transmuting their generational trauma as they become the women they needed as a little girl to walk alongside and guide them into a healthy adulthood. We work with the whole family unit but focus on mothers and women who are actively in a child's life to aid in soul healing for the entire family. Our goal is to bring a robust and healthy dynamic back into the nuclear family system to allow all to thrive in life, not just survive. Now Go Do Great Things ❤️‍🔥💫

Crypto Lovers


Blockchain 420 Inc., a unique company redefining financial freedom. Rooted in Yoruba spirituality and African heritage, we blend history, mythology, and blockchain technology to empower global communities. Our flagship, The Love Care Coin (TLCC), is more than a currency; it's a symbol of change and empowerment, facilitated through a secure, transparent digital wallet. We've already welcomed over 2,500 happy clients and sold over 4 million tokens. We're not just about business, though. We pledge part of our profits to vital causes, such as combatting human trafficking and promoting zero-point energy development. We invite you to invest in TLCC, participate in our journey, and join us as we work towards a more sustainable, equitable world. Stand with Blockchain 420 Inc. - where every token contributes to global change. Disclaimer: This is for educational and general information purposes only and should not be construed as investment, financial, legal, or tax advice.

Todo Sobre Bitcoin


Este canal esta auspiciado por Blindex: El primer exchange descentralizado para Stablecoins algorítmicas colateralizadas con Bitcoin. Para saber mas: Website: https://blindex.io/ Unite a la conversación si tenes alguna consulta: Telegram: https://t.me/BlindexSpanish Discord: https://discord.gg/AJynW9we En este canal iremos trayendoles las últimas noticias y desarrollos en el mundo de las criptomonedas, blockchain, Bitcoin, NTFs y el Metaverse. No olviden suscribirse para mantenerse al tanto.