Randy Milmeister Realtor & Probate Specialist Las Vegas / Henderson NV KW


As a Highly-trained, Professional, and Skilled Realtor, you can be confident with me helping you move into the next season of life with convenience while maximizing your sale proceeds. I’ve supported hundreds of people & families with real property including Single Family Homes, High-Rise Units, Multi-Family Properties, Condos, and Land in the Las Vegas valley since 2004. I’m a Corporate & Military Relocation Specialist, and have completed designations including UNLV Lied Institute for Real Estate Studies Commercial Certification, Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (CPRES) & Certified Probate Expert (CPE). Prior to residential sales, I specialized in land brokerage, investment, and development. A Real Estate Broker-Salesman with Keller Williams, I’ve lived in Las Vegas / Henderson since 1979. In 2014, I transitioned from managing as Corporate Broker of a boutique firm, leading dozens of sales agents, with hundreds of properties under management, to selling full time. I graduated in 1999 from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. I formerly served for 5 years with Hope for Prisoners, and previously served on the Board of Directors for Family Promise of Las Vegas. I do my best to practice the highest ethical standards and excellence in business based on Biblical principles, for taking care of business & people: ultimately, Kingdom building through business.

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