Much Grace


Social media is overrun with people who have called themselves to speak without having the authority to do it. Only those called by God are authorized to speak for Him and have the anointing to prove they are called. We are all commanded as believers to place ourselves under the 5 fold ministry authority. You cannot fake the anointing, it is either present or not. Most preaching is soulical not spiritual. It appeals to the mind will and emotions but it does not feed your spirit. People miss the supernatural because they look for the spectacular. Most of what the Holy Spirit does is subtle, not flashy. The whole time you were here you were supposed to be growing up in Christ by crucifying your flesh so you could obey the Word. You are still here because you did not do that. You must hear the anointed Word every day from people anointed to preach it, so your spirit grows strong enough to obey. Your obedience to the Word is proof of your salvation. More obedience, greater strength. Brother Greg

InGrace with Jim Scudder, Jr.


Christian Adventure TV Programming InGrace desires nothing more than to share the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ with our lost and dying world. God has blessed us with the opportunity to share this message on every major continent through television, radio, and online media. Jim Scudder, Jr. is the Executive Producer and Host of InGrace, a captivating Christian adventure program that delves into the wonders of God's world and Word. InGrace airs every Wednesday during primetime on TBN.

Homeschool Mom Grad


Hi, I'm Kathleen Rumford! Whether you're a busy homeschooling mom or a busy mom in general, you'll find support, encouragement, parenting tips, and homeschooling wisdom on this channel from me and other experienced homeschool moms. We break down the complexities of homeschooling thru high school to simplify your life and give you the confidence to strongly parent & support your child thru these years. I homeschooled my girls for 15 years thru high school, and then I "graduated"! I've also helped many homeschooling moms navigate the transition TO & THRU high school and beyond. As a certified personal finance coach, I'm also passionate that every child/teen gains personal finance & entrepreneurial literacy before graduating high school. I've been helping kids, teens, college students & adults for 20+ years. So, WELCOME, glad you're here! If you have a 6th+ grader, come join our Homeschooling thru High School FB group at



Hello everyone! This is my official channel dedicated to popular Instagram model girls. Here, you will find inspiration, style tips, and exciting videos about these unforgettable women who have captured the hearts of the Instagram world. I will introduce you to various popular Instagram model girls from around the globe. I will share their thrilling journeys, fashion and beauty secrets, style tips, and their exciting collaborations with well-known brands and designers. Together, we will explore the glamorous lives of these model girls, their favorite photos, fashion trends, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into their daily lives. Follow me to stay updated with the latest information about popular Instagram model girls and be inspired by their style and success stories. If you have any questions about a specific Instagram model girl or want to recommend a popular personality, please feel free to contact me using the information provided below. Thank you for your support and joining my channel! I hope that during this journey, you will be inspired by these amazing Instagram model girls and discover new styles and ideas for yourself.

Grandmaster Wolf


GMW is first and foremost a mystic. This means that since his early youth, GMW was driven by a deep, unceasing desire to return to an unknown source and to the original true nature and to realize deeper truths. GMW lived in temples both in the Himalayas and in the remote mountains of China. After decades of sacrifice, searching, and long sitting with awakened personalities such as the Dalai Lama, Jiddu Krisnamurti, and Master Ni Ching Hua, to name a few, GMW was awakened in a private conversation with the enlightened Zen Master Yamahata Daido Hogen San, born in 1935. "This channel is always kept free of advertising. We are constantly working on the development of videos and programs and hope to be able to expand the transparency and comprehensibility in the future. The channel is dedicated to a positive and supportive community where it is safe to express yourself via your comments without attracting sarcastic, rude or generally negative replies. It is for you to grow from it."