

Wildfire is a dynamic ministry targeted towards the Jr. High and High School age kids in the area. We minister through dramas, videos, worship, and preaching the word. We believe that if God can get a hold of the hearts of young people it will change the future of our city, nation, and our world. Our purpose is to allow God to use us as tools to reach the hearts and lives of the young people in our area. The ministries we exercise are all youth oriented but anyone is invited to attend our services. https://mycrossfire.com/wildfire-students-youth

Southards Ranch


Here we will be posting updates of what we are learning to do on the ranch. I am learning from others via online to do food storage. I want to give a shout out of thanks to those who post videos about how to prepare food for long term storage. I have to adapt what I learn to my own device of use and I am so excited to learn this basic most important life lesson. These skills should had been taught to me as I was growing up but I did not have the traditional family lifestyle. I am teaching as I learn as well.

The Dixie Kitchen Southern Cooking


Description Welcome to The Dixie Kitchen! I am so glad you stopped by! My name is Barbara and The Dixie Kitchen is my little corner of the this big world I am a Georgia girl but I live in West Texas with my husband and our three fur babies Brodie, Princess, and Cookie. I am a southern woman so you will see lots of southern cooking here. Cooking has always been my passion and I love creating new meals to share with you. I am a home cook the same as you, no formal training. I just love to cook and share new ideas. The recipes you find here at The Dixie Kitchen are some handed down family favorites and some are my creations. I know you will find something here to love. You can also find The Dixie Kitchen on Facebook, so be sure and follow me there. I truly love seeing the food that you’re making so please be sure to tag me @thedixiekitchen in your Facebook post! Please feel free to reach out to me if you do have any questions!

Open Your Mind Before Your Mouth


PLEASE SUBSCRIBE >>> OPEN YOUR MIND BEFORE YOUR MOUTH https://www.bitchute.com/channel/W1WKb0C4uYsz/ RUMBLE https://rumble.com/c/c-6484143 TWITTER https://mobile.twitter.com/OPENYOURMINDBE1 OPEN YOUR MIND BEFORE YOUR MOUTH https://oymbym.blogspot.com OYMBYM VIDEOS https://openyourmindvideos.blogspot.com/?m=1 Exploring depopulation, weather manipulation, and the concept of a flat earth. Keep an open mind and question everything. Uncover the truth behind the lies.