A community of Christ Consciousness souls spreading light and inner standing from a level of inclusiveness of all and have a clear inner standing of being sovereign and fully in our power. Shining a light on the Devine solution for humanity and tools that helped us to reach a level of consciousness of knowing and tuning in to our higher self. We are not gurus and don't wish to take your power away, and have a full inner standing that your journey is your own soul's journey and that we can't interfere with free will. we are here to show you our journey and the tools that helped us all. To teach you how powerful you all are. We are all co-creators and we have to start to learn how powerful we all are. We have groups ( Links Below) on telegram set up to help you. (Healing tools library) (Global People Monetary System) GPMS THE DIVINE SOLUTION FOR HUMANITY TO STAND UP AS ONE. WE HAVE TO DO IT TOGETHER AS ONE. JUST CONSENT Your Vote #GlobalPeoplesMonetarySystem #GPMS #DivineCurrency #Sovereignty #SimplifiedDivineLaw Our Youtube Channel Our BITCHUTE Channel Our Odysee Channel.

Natural Wonder of Mother Earth


Embark on a journey of discovery and amazement as we showcase the incredible beauty and diversity of our planet. Our collection of videos captures the essence of nature in all its glory, featuring interactions with critters and the breathtaking landscapes that surround us. Videos are Adult and kid friendly, it is entertainment for the whole family! This channel is dedicated to inspiring and educating viewers about the wonders of our planet and the amazing creatures that inhabit it. From majestic deer to playful squirrels, beautiful backyard birds and pets, we aim to provide a window into the natural world that surrounds us. So, sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of Mother Earth. Our videos are created to inspire and educate, and we hope that you will join us on this incredible journey of discovery and wonder. Let's celebrate the magnificence of our planet together! Check Out My YouTube channel for over 200 videos to choose from