God, Family & Guns. Gun Family President (El Chapo)


WHAT’S GOOD GUN FAMILY, URBAN GUN REVIEWS & you have landed on my YouTube channel. I thank you for visiting & I hope that you enjoy my content. I AM NOT AN GUN EXPERT OR PROFESSIONAL. I am just a man who enjoys firearms. My channel is geared towards people with similar interests, I am not loyal to any to any brand, I LIKE WHAT I LIKE. I just love guns. I'm a average everyday consumer, I will give you my honest & unbiased opinion in my reviews. I will not always say the correct thing or use the correct terms, I am learning as I go. I have no special firearms training as of yet but maybe in the future I will. Feel free to correct something if I do it wrong or say it wrong. Please be respectful as I will return the same courtesy. FOR ALL BUSINESS INQUIRES PLEASE CONTACT ME AT: URBANGUNREVIEWS@GMAIL.COM

free the world


"Emory Andrew Tate III" is the son of an American chess international master and the grandson of a sharecropper from the backwoods of Georgia. His grandfather rose above Jim Crow to become an attorney in Chicago and completely changed the trajectory of his family! I have been asking myself if that story has something to do with his banning. This story is powerful to young men who don't know they can overcome adversity and make something great happen in their life and leave a legacy for their families.

Police Incidents


The primary mission of our channel is to serve as a platform to educate the public about the dangers inherent in the law enforcement profession and to raise awareness about the critical issues faced by law enforcement officers daily. Additionally, we aim to be a valuable training resource for members within the law enforcement community, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Our ultimate goal is to reduce complacency within the profession and, in doing so, save lives. Even if this channel manages to save just one life, it will have fulfilled its purpose. In conclusion, our channel is committed to educating the public about the challenges faced by law enforcement officers and fostering a culture of continuous learning within the law enforcement community. By reducing complacency and promoting awareness, we aspire to save lives and contribute positively to society.

Transformiere dein Bewusstsein - Geistiges Heilen der neuen Zeit


Heilkraft finden und erkennen Die Deutsche Heilerschule U.G. in Seefeld im Großraum München genießt vor allem durch ihre renommierten und geprüften Dozenten ein hohes Ansehen und Anerkennung im weiten Feld der Geistheilung in Deutschland. Die Verbindung von Spiritualität und Naturwissenschaft ist unser Ziel. Nicht viele Geistheiler-Schulen liegen in einer so traumhaften Umgebung wie die unsere. Die direkte Nähe zum wunderschönen Ammersee in Oberbayern lässt viel Raum für Spiritualität, innere Einkehr und Entspannung bei der Teilnahme an unseren vielfältigen Angeboten. Ob Sie sich für eine Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder Quantenheilung interessieren oder an einer Massageausbildung teilnehmen möchten - unsere Seminare und Schulungen halten sicherlich das Richtige für Sie bereit. Spiritualität und Heilung Das Thema Geistheilung gewinnt in unserer hektischen und technischen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung. In jedem von uns schlummert eine spirituelle Begabung, sie muss nur erkannt und gefördert werden. Unsere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in Seefeld im Bereich der Geistheilung, Quantenheilung und Geistheiler-Ausbildung sind vielfältig und zielführend. Ein großes spirituelles Spektrum der Geistheiler-Schulen wird hierbei abgedeckt. Unsere Ausbildung zur Quantenheilung ist genauso zertifiziert wie die Geistheiler-Ausbildung oder die Massageausbildung. Alle Heilerausbildungen werden durch ein Zertifikat beglaubigt. Die Ausbildung zur Geistheilung und der Quantenheilung sowie die Massageausbildung schließen nach erfolgreicher Prüfung mit dem Zertifikat der DHS ab. Wir informieren Sie gerne über die Möglichkeiten einer Geistheiler-Ausbildung an unserer Schule in Seefeld.

Art by Daisy van der Zijden


I'm a professional artist and I draw and paint realistic portraits and design illustrations. I work with different materials, such as Acrylic paint, Graphite pencils, Pastel and Colored pencils, but the most medium I work with is Colored Pencils. I try to give every drawing or painting, a soul, which makes the drawings appear lifelike and so expressive. Would you like to have a drawing of your own pet, wildlife animal or favorite movie character? There are many possibilities. Feel free to take a look around my website to get some ideas. For more information, please contact me via the contact form or via my email daisyvanderzijden@gmail.com

Couponing With Dee


Hi everyone, I’m Dee! Welcome to my life of couponing. I’m here to teach you how to save money and how easy it is to coupon. I will show you how to use digital, paper, and store coupons to maximize your savings. I'll even show you how to get free items! Pair them up with apps that give you actual cash back into your bank or PayPal accounts. I’m a mother of 6 beautiful daughters and grandmother of 2 handsome grandsons. I enjoy gardening, more like homesteading, and couponing. Let’s take this couponing journey together . Thank you for watching & subscribing!!💜💙



In 2005 after recovering from bankruptcy in which I lost my 25 acre farm with national forest on two sides, horse, tractor, and everything else I had worked hard for, due the last economic disaster under George Bush Sr I I started a new job, moved to a new part of the state, saved and was able to buy a new home for my family. It wasn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t much an old home built in 1930\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s needed a lot of TLC , built pretty much in the side of a bank, but I saw a vision of what it could be and the next 2 years with help of friends and family it started to shape up. This was only the beginning....