Historiando Axé com Tom Oloorê


O Canal Historiando Axé é um canal de Candomblé, voltado a falar da História do Candomblé, História das Religiões de Matriz Africana e da Cultura Negra e Filosofia Afro-brasileira. O canal Historiando Axé tem o intuito de trazer um pouco da história, da cultura, da tradição e da filosofia religiosa do candomblé e das demais religiões de matriz africana. Trazendo à tona assuntos e questões pertinentes ao povo de axé, esclarecendo dúvidas e respondendo os porquês da religião e da tradição do povo de axé. Tom Oloorê é Bàbálòrìṣà, Historiador e pesquisador das religiões de matriz africana, iniciado no candomblé desde 2003 e Bàbálòrìṣà do Ilé Ẹgbẹ́ Àṣẹ Ìmọ́lẹ̀ Olóore. www.historiandoaxe.com.br http://linktr.ee/tom_oloore



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Welcome to "And Then Shall The End Come", we are all about winning souls for the Kingdom of YAHUAH. Many false doctrines, traditions and misinterpretations of YAHUAH'S Word have cause confusion, and many to refute and reject YAHUAH'S Word as the gospel. Thus leading many away from YAHUSHUA, and setting them on a path to destruction. As we know the time of YAHUSHUA Second Coming is near. This channel coming from the passage of YAHUSHUA'S words in Matthew 24:14, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" presents, sermons, Bible studies, and strong emphasis are place on these last days and prophecy as foretold in the Bible. -About- Both Ted and I were raised in the Lord all our lives. YAHUAH had bought us together four years ago from completely two different backgrounds and the blessings YAHUAH has given us during this period has been overwhelming. We are known to many as the "twins".