ROOM 101 - What science fiction got right about our future


ROOM 101 TEASER Did you ever wonder how 1984 really stacked up to what's going on right now? Or Brave New World? Invasion of the Body Snatchers? We dive into the 1000s of science fiction, scifi-horror, and speculative fiction books and movies that hit the nail on the head or swung and missed trying to predict the future that is NOW. Our future. Welcome to ROOM 101. Get ready for the first episode called "Orwell, Huxley, and Finney Walk into a Bar..." out first week of January, 2022. Presented by Mike T. Lyddon and RPLLC.

Dr. HermanSJr. (Founder - Platinum Sciences: Institute For Step-Change)

17 Followers | | | Dr. HermanSJr. (AA, BA, BMsc, MA, MMsc, MpsyD) is the American-born, internationally sought-after Global Change Agent, Doctor of Metaphysical Psychology, and scholar who consults/trains +100k entities (e.g. Fortune 100, universities, entrepreneurship accelerators/incubators, chambers of commerce, doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, police, athletes, artists/creatives, and many others) across countries, industries, and languages; consultant who continues to collectively generate +$20M in clientele's revenue; Harvard University-published writer; ten-time author (eight solo, two contributor) whose work is accepted into the collection of the US Library of Congress and used in educational entities worldwide; writer of +50 academic, business, and research papers; interviewed as an expert +40 times on media worldwide in various languages (including MSN, YAHOO!, and Best Life [of Galvanized Media]); awardee of six university degrees (one Doctorate, two Masters, two Bachelors, one Associates); instructor/judge at multiple universities/academies worldwide; business advisor/judge/mentor at entrepreneurship incubators/accelerators worldwide; Psychological/Systems Consultant for an international cyber investigation company to Fortune 100 and federal law enforcement; Distinguished Special Advisor to an international university-level academy; consultant/trainer in system optimization (for businesses and individuals) utilizing unorthodox holistic-thinking to break down highly complex atmospheres and unveil interconnected, simple, in-depth, cheap, short- and long-range solutions to quickly cultivate step-change across all landscapes, regardless of people’s backgrounds or goals—the mindset/method used by history’s greatest thinkers (composed of what he calls “The System of Interconnectivity” and “Psychological Strategy”). Note: Many videos are "raw", not created to be fancy or professional-grade, and some are older. However, the message is the focus in all videos, so will forever remain valid and immediately applicable.

Earth Save Science Collaborative


This is the official channel for the Earth Save Science Collaborative (ESSC) project. The purpose of this project will be to engage in scientific research to address the global climate threat. We need the brightest scientific minds of this world, capable of thinking unconventionally and innovatively. Dr. Egon Cholakian, a lobbyist in the US Congress and White House, a member of the CERN laboratory’s “Future Circular Collider” project group and the user group of the National Laser Thermonuclear Reaction Complex at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a lecturer, a member of the International Association of Intelligence Service Teachers, invites all scientists who care about humanity’s fate to join in creating a unified international scientific center. For more detailed information about the project for establishing a unified scientific center, you can visit the website

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Consciência Desperta


Olá, seja muito bem vindo ao Canal Consciência Desperta! Meu nome é Ana Paula e criei esse canal com intuito de ajudar a todos que buscam o despertar da consciência! Todos estamos seguindo rumo ao despertar da consciência, portanto é correto dizer que em algum momento todos nós vamos despertar, e isso acontecerá por vontade própria, afinal não podemos evoluir ninguém, nem mesmo por amor, pois a evolução se dá por meio do autoconhecimento. Então é muito importante respeitar e aceitar o momento de cada um. Aqui você encontrará vídeos sobre autoconhecimento, leis universais, princípios herméticos, hermetismo, espiritualidade, ativação de sequências numéricas e muito mais! Vamos compartilhar conhecimentos, pois é por meio dele, que podemos transformar a nossa realidade!! Gratidão!

An Ancient World


A 'Spiritual Journey' through the senses of ancient clown. I was conceived in the East and flew threw the air as the Lightening flashes through the sky to be born in the West...the 'Sign of Jonah' & 'Glory of the Olive'. Called by GOD i left the world of Man decades ago to learn to 'Walk in the Way' as Christ taught and journeyed to meet GOD and discover my reason for and now. I returned with a message and have been walking among you for decades only to be ignored and censored...Recognize the 'Sign of Jonah' as Christ warned. End your 'War of the Poor' and Surrender to GOD & LAW...Learn to 'Walk in the Way' as Christ taught.