Mikerock Uncensored


Welcome to the official Rumble channel and home for MikeRock Uncensored. Every week I release videos that talk about real life issues and fun. Allergic to bulls#it and defender of the free realm. As a dedicated father and conservative male, my voice and opinions may not always be popular, but they are my own and the whole point of what I do is to encourage people to think for and just be themselves. I hope you enjoy these videos and my perspectives on a variety of differt issues, including what we as a people must learn to address as a team. See you inside. Donations: https://buymeacoffee.com/MikeRock

Destiny Worship Center


No matter what season you find yourself in, we welcome you to Destiny! Destiny Worship Center started on October 7 of 2001 by Pastors Steve and Jackie Vaggalis. It was first called Abundant Life of South Walton but before long it took its actual name. It’s first service was held in a store front with 100 people. Today, Destiny has grown to over 1,000 families, 5 campuses, number of ministries that operate from the church, and in 2010 finished their brand new sanctuary: a 1200 people auditorium in Miramar Beach, FL. Destiny is known for its welcoming environment, its emphasis on relationships, and for passionate services full of contemporary worship and relevant messages that can be applied to our every day lives. Our vision is to help you fulfill your God-given Destiny. Visit www.DestinyWorshipCenter.com to find more information about what we believe, our staff, where we are located, our vision, our different ministries, current and special events.

Lakewood Eye Center


At Lakewood Eye Center, we take pride in offering our customers excellent eye health care. Our modern equipment helps us accurately measure and analyze your eyes\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' health. Our superior customer service brings comprehensive yet personalized individual attention from our experienced staff of professionals. Make an appointment for an annual exam and see why our patients return year after year, why they recommend us to their family and friends, and why they say we clearly stand apart from our competitors.

Soundbath Center


Welcome to The Soundbath Center channel! We are currently updating this channel so look out for new content soon. 👉About The Soundbath Center The Soundbath Center is the premiere venue for sound baths and sound bath certification courses in Los Angeles, California. Owner Jamie Bechtold has been playing sound baths with gongs and crystal singing bowls professionally since 2003 and has played over 3,500 public events. She and partner Robert Lee launched the original Soundbath Practitioner Training in Los Angeles in January 2017. The center specializes in offering therapeutic-style sound baths with multiple gongs and crystal singing bowls. This style of sound bath helps to guide listeners on an inward journey, relaxing the body and mind. This is the style of sound bath to illicit deep relaxation, altered states of consciousness, and creative insights. *All content on this channel is original, copyrighted material. LEARN MORE 👉Website Sound-Bath.com 🎓Sound Bath Certification Course https://sound-bath.com/soundbathtrainingcertification/ ✨Sound Bath Instruments https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjd5VnY0angtQnUzX2RtY2VTS3NxaEdTTHhuQXxBQ3Jtc0ttUUpHNWtMOFNvYl9hRldLRGxkeEplU1RldFhHd2gwVnVxS2RDeFI1RlRLX0hQaVlVS2ZhNTY4M3RxdWFxckJHV29ocHpsVWZyUEtGd1pJSWJTU0J3dW51emkxVlB2WG5SeENHYUFhbUZGSXAxaXB2OA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fsound-bath.com%2Fbuy-sound-bath-instruments%2F