Welcome to the channel! Enjoy the vibes and have a great time with us! We always love content suggestions so don't be shy! If you would like to support the channel and say thank you via a donation please use the link below! We appreciate all of you who have contributed! Thank YOU! You can also use the PayPal link to make any song requests. Due to extremely high demand and because we are unable to meet everyone's requests while maintaining the growth of the channel, the rate for a song request is now $50USD. However, we would advise against requests with artists that are unbeknownst to most of YouTube because we are still in the process of growing the channel. We will likely consider a "new artist" reaction component when we have achieved some growth goals :). See you soon!

Banking With Life


James Neathery specializes in providing strategic financial advice based on decades of research and experience in the fields of finance and economics. James is a disciple and student of R. Nelson Nash, the creator of the Infinite Banking Concept™. He is also a student of the Austrian school of economics. James holds several designations, maintains multiple affiliations and is active in the financial services industry. He has been in the life insurance industry for more than 24 years, has been educating clients and personally practicing the Infinite Banking Concept™ for nearly a decade. James C. Neathery & Associates, Inc. has provided sound, successful advice to thousands of clients. Over the years he has helped them protect millions of dollars in wealth and assets through several boom and bust cycles in the U.S. economy.

The Danny Baty Band


Sometimes, a band comes along and does "their thing" a little bit outside the box. A little bit different from the norm or the standard. Sometimes it's a song, or a sound, or even a fresher take at writing. Sometimes all of that comes together at once: Introducing The Danny Baty Band Simple songs with simple truths , The voice of Americas heartland! SINCE 1989 Danny Baty has traveled all over and wrote over 1,500 songs. A well known band throughout Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri and the southern Honky Tonk scene. The Danny Baty Band was voted the number 1 country/ southern rock band in Arkansas in 2007 by peoples choice! Opening for several major acts and stealing the show sorta speak.. Live performances that even Garth Brooks would be proud of! Catch this band live or ask for them in your town and buy their music to show your support You'll not regret it! The Danny Baty Band has been heating up stages all over Northeast Arkansas and beyond since 1989 and are currently beginning to get some well d

Bangla Waz, Waz Bangla,Islamic Bangla waz, Bangla waz, waz mahafil banga, IRSADMEDIA


আসসালামুআলাইকুম ওরহোমাতুল্লাল্লাহ হি ওবারাকাতুহ:- সমস্ত প্রসংশা এক আল্লাহ হর যিনি আমাদের সৃষ্টি করিয়াছেন, ওই আল্লাহ হোর কাছে অনেক অনেক সোকর আলহামদুলিল্লাহ, আল্লাহোর রহমত এ সবাই খুব ভালো আছেন আলহামদুলিল্লাহ, আমাদের এই IRSAD MEDIA ইসলামিক চ্যানেল টি subscribe করে আমাদের চ্যানেল এর সাথে থাকুন এবং শেয়ার করে আল্লাহর বানী প্রচার করুন ।