New World Order-Middle East Updates-Bible Prophecies-Jesus Christ


7GTV is a Channel that came from Youtube. Due to censorship from his opinions on today\\\\\\\'s topics, He made the choice to come to Rumble. 7vnseal aka Robert Loves sharing his thoughts as a believer in Jesus Christ on the following topics: Bible Prophecies, Jesus the Christ, Global World Agendas, New World Order Agendas and on the side for fun, he does product reviews. This channel was successful and growing on Youtube, until key topics were being censored and videos deleted. We hope you can stop by and support 7vnseal as he continues to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and current events in the Middle East. Also, if you would like to support directly visit our Apparel from T-Shirts, Coffee Mugs and more. All Designs are original and produced by 7GTV. Copy and Paste:

JAD's Comms


In God We Trust. NOT Government! What a time to be alive! ======= The central hub for my content is Substack. I would be honored by your subscribing to it. Show Notes are posted there as well as my Sunday Morning posts, scriptural study podcasts and more. Subscriptions are free and paid for those that desire to support my work. Subscribe at ======= If not us, then who? If not now, then when? ======= Live Love! ======= And follow JAD's Comms!

Aneko Press | Classic Christian Audiobooks


Before publishing books, I was in a different business, manufacturing high-quality kitchen cabinets. Our business consultant, who happened to be a Christian, recommended some Christian books to read and those books helped me so much that I was inspired to contact Christian publishing houses to see if they would let me buy books to send to anyone who would read them. I kept some at my office and gave them away freely, and in collaboration with another publishing house, we sent books to prisons and third-world countries. I thought if I could see one person saved as a result of sending out these books, it would be worth more than a lifetime of making kitchen cabinets. I ended up leaving that business in 2009, and since then our small, Abbotsford WI company has been publishing and distributing Christian books in print, eBook, and audio format. And we still send books to prison and overseas to third-world countries. The Lord is good to employ us in His vineyard! Jeremiah Zeiset Aneko Press

Christian America Ministries


Christian America Ministries is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christian America Ministries is NOT a 501c3 tax-exempt ministry or Church. Christian America Ministries is simply the online and personal Christian ministry of Matthew Dyer. The sermons preached are given to our local Christian fellowship, or other Christian fellowships, and then recorded to be shared online to others. This ministries mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ first and foremost, and also to preach the Anglo-Israel Message that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples are the true Israel people, and as those covenant people should submit to God and advance His Kingdom as slaves to King Jesus the Christ. If you would like to mail a letter you can mail it to: Matthew Dyer P.O. Box 511 Amite, Louisiana 70422



Welcome to YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS where we uplift, extoll, exalt and magnify YHWH OF HOSTS to establish YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS in YHWHrusalem to get His temple built on MORYHWH. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is a tax-exempt organized movement founded on September 28, 1986, by YHWH OF HOSTS, to magnify His Holy Name, to make YHWHrusalem a praise in the earth and to prepare the way before Him. YHWH, for His Holy Name sake has established YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS also to gather the preserved of Yisrael and to be a light unto the Gentiles that His salvation can go to the ends of the earth. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is the servant of YHWH, our righteousness, The King, the fountain of living waters, the spirit and creator of all things, The Living Creator. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is also the name by which the seed or branch of David is to be known as prophesied in Jeremiah 23:1-8. CONTACT: YHWHudah Ben Yisrael, 773 874 0325, P.O. Box 20532, Chicago, IL 60620 More at