The Italian Way - Art & Lifestyles Journeys


An iconic video magazine created by Simona Cochi, an Italian journalist and international ambassador based in Milan. Simona unveils the exclusive features of the most relevant events about Art, Lifestyle, Design, Fashion, and more. Art interviews are one of the keys to be seduced by "The Italian Way" project. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism. This editorial project has been conceived on Simona return after a year and a half of work and research in different European capital cities and iconic outposts. Simona Cochi can claim international working experiences and an academic track record. In 2018, during her experience as a video blogger in Vienna's museums, her definitive inspiration for surrealism was ignited through the work on the Man Ray's show at the Kunstforum. Further creativity and motivation have been enhanced thanks to the researches on Sigmund Freud, the other eminent Austrian's figure with significant traces of his life and works in Vienna. The video journey started as "The Austrian Way" inside the magnificent art shows in the capital city: Monet, Picasso, Gustav Klimt, Keith Hearing, Florentina Pakosta, and more. The beauty of a work resides in its visionary strength, in its celebratory capacity, in the alienating effect it arouses and this is what the spontaneity of the author often manages to convey. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism.

Lichtenberg Art


Hello everyone, My name is Michael and i am a Canadian living in Taiwan. My wife Polly and I create Lichtenberg wood art designs and fractals since 2017. We like to film and produce videos of our work for the world to see and share. Please sit back and enjoy our videos, feel free to leave a comment or message. We can also do custom orders and shipping. Please leave a Rumble and don't forget to subscribe if you like our channel. Please share if you know someone else who might enjoy one of a kind wood art. Thanks everyone.

THE 13th NOTE: The Art of Mastery


Jeff Spike Wong – The 13th Note Executive Producer 1. What motivated you to make this film? This idea started over 20 years ago when I was selling Steinway & Sons pianos in CA. I used to program the player pianos to play Master of Puppets by Metallica & no one knew it was a metal song. Most folks thought it was Chopin or Beethoven. When I got the A/R director position for Kawai Piano Gallery of Houston, I met Yan Shen and I immediately signed her to be a Kawai artist. And with her accolades & Doctors degrees in both Music & Piano, I knew I wanted to do something special with her. From there the idea of a live show with Rusty Cooley and Yan Shen developed. Unfortunately, I was relieved from my position and that live show went away with it. Until 2020 when I had coffee with Yan to just catch up and the idea of Rusty & her came up to be a film in place of the live show and rest is history. 2. From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film? From Preproduction to Wrap 11 months there and about. 3. How would you describe your film in two words!? LIVE PASSIONATeLY 4. What was the biggest obstacle you faced in completing this film? Covid Mandates 5. What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video? Very Touching Emotionally. Gratitude and Thanks from my heart to all that participated in that video. 6. When did you realize that you wanted to make films? I grew up in a show biz family, My grandfather was a star actor in Taiwan, and I grew up around sets and stages. 7. What film have you seen the most in your life? Song Remains the Same – Led Zeppelin 8. What other elements of the festival experience can we and other festivals implement to satisfy you and help you further your filmmaking career? I am learning who does what, where & how, but I am a huge marketing guy coming from professional sales, so the festivals that interacts like yours is a winner for me/us. 9. You submitted to the festival via FilmFreeway. How has your experiences been working on the festival platform site? My 2nd year with FilmFreeway and I am very happy with the results as well as the huge selection of festivals I can show my work to. Totally Awesome! Old saying in the business…Got to be seen if you want to be relevant to what’s going on. 10. What is your favorite meal? The meal with my soul tribe/loved ones. 11. What is next for you? A new film? I wrote a screenplay that is shelved at present time due to the attention of other projects that is right in front of me. But rest assured, I will be making more films in the future, and they will be positive & heart felt messages just like The 13th Note. That’s in everything I do. Thank you & GOD Bless

HskyArt Museum Artwork (Hsky Abstract Art Canvas Painter)


Artist Statement: Art is my solace. It is a spiritual relief when I compose a visual score to life’s events. I paint acrylics using my hands, sometimes brushes or q-tips. When I paint, I select my colors with sole emotion to express what I desire to say. My hands on the canvas “speak” the words I can’t say because there are no words that can describe such deep feelings. I hate being controlled, told to restrict expressing myself because of what the neighbors will say and being told I have no future. Most of my art is spontaneous without a plan because it’s raw from within.