Die Bürgerbewegung aus Herborn bis Wetzlar und Umgebung!
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Aussie Videos
0 FollowersVarious content shedding light in a dark world.
Everyone's Channel
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Cute funny videos channel
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0 Followerssus joj
0 FollowersOPShredder is everything cancerous and bad in a human being: Not only he is a religious extremist, but he also attacks Pokémon and Undertale fans, as well as Gachatubers, and he is anti-LGBTQ, anti-PC, anti-third wave feminism, anti YouTube, especially anti-furry... and he also likes playing TF2 or DOOM, going to church, and watching YouTube Poops or Top Gear. This man should just die because he is a fucking delusional homophobic Christcuck religious zealot-OR IM JUST A SHITHEADED TROLL LOL (but the religious zealot part is true)
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Tocados por su Poder
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